Part 5- Astrid

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Warmth tingles through me, touching my aching muscles and heating my soul. My thoughts are muddled in my head, I fear this is hypothermia setting in. I read you feel warm once it gets too serious, maybe this is it, the end. I twitch my fingers as I search for snow, something anything to wake me up.

I can't die here.

Then I hear it. Peals of laughter coming from my boy, my Liam. I wrench my eyes open, they burn with lack of sleep and tears, and see Liam in the arms of a huge man- he's squealing in delight.

I freeze. Not knowing whether I should call out or stay silent. Liam seems safe enough now, but if I anger the man... Liam could be hurt.

Fate once again seems to be taking decisions out of my hands. The man turns around and promptly jumps out of his skin at the sight of me awake and looking at him. I almost feel bad for him, the look of shock was definitely comical.

"You're awake?"

Immediately as he tries to make eye contact, I drop my eyes. Looking at Him or any of his men would be an automatic punishment, they are just as etched on my mind as the scars are my body.

"Hey, it's all ok now. My name is Vidar. What's yours?"

I freeze, this is definitely a trick question. Don't break. Don't move. Don't speak.

"It's ok, you can tell me." He kneels down, still holding Liam. His free hand hesitated for a moment before he obviously decides to caresses my jaw. Following his hand are gentle tingles and a heat drizzles through me.

The movement is soft and gentle and it relaxes my worry slightly. His hands don't seem to be there for cruelty. It doesn't make me feel as safe as it should but it has been so long since anyone has touched me with kindness that I flinch back, expecting a blow to follow.

"Ma-mama?" Liam whimpers, my instincts take over my fear and I look up at him- and inadvertently the man... Vidar I guess.

Liam's tiny arms reach for me, palms making grabby hands towards me. Vidar brings Liam closer to my chest and arms, I flinch once again, waiting for Liam to be snatched away from me the second I reach for him. But he doesn't, within seconds Liam's tiny, precious body is against my chest.

I can't breathe. The relief catches in my chest as I envelop him in my arms. Pressing my mouth into his fluffy hair I murmur to him softly, so only he can hear me.

"I'm here baby, Mummy's got you."

Vidar smiles softly and leans back on his knees.

"Better now darlin'?"

A tiny smile graces my face, only for a second- but he sees it. A grin blossoms on his face.

Vidar stands and walks away from the sofa, giving Liam and myself a small amount of privacy for a moment.

"I am going to get you some water and something to eat, you need your strength."

Vidar's generous words trigger something in the back of my mind as memories bubble up.

Agony assaults my mind as the first horrific memory I have of Him slams into me. Tears scorch my eyes and my breath hitches. I can't get the air in. I can't.

"God job boys, she certainly is what I was looking for."

A vicious voice crouches before me on the chair I'm taped to. The bindings burn and I can hardly open my eyes they're so swollen. Confused I try to look at my surroundings but it's dark, too dark and I'm in too much pain.

A cold hand yanks at my jaw and my face is ripped to look at the cruelest face I had ever seen.

"God you're beautiful." He smirks as he turns my face roughly from side to side, making my neck bounce and scream in pain.

"My boys will be perfect with you as their mother."

My blood slows in my body, bile fills my mouth as the last glimmer of hope that I may come out of this minimally unharmed leaves me.

I begin to weep.

He wants me.

And he is going to keep me.

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