Part 6- Astrid

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Light dapples across my face as I slowly open my eyes. Confusion fogs my brain as I slowly sit up in soft, warm bed. Cold trickles through my veins, I never got a bed this comfy. Is this His room? But I'm already pregnant? What more can He want from me?

"Hi sweetie." A gentle feminine voice calls to me. I turn my head towards the voice, she's standing in the doorway. In her hand she's holding a steaming mug of something, from the smell I think it's hot chocolate. God what I would give to drink that right now...

The woman has moved across the room and sits on a chair she's pulled beside the bed. I relax slightly at her slow, measured movements. She's also a woman. I can talk to her, there were no rules against talking to them. That was mainly because I wasn't allowed to leave the room so I never saw anyone apart from when the doctor came to me or when he came for me.

"My name is Lila."

She smiles gently as she holds the warming cup out towards me. "What's your name sweetie?"

Shuffling forwards, I inch closer to her and move my face nearer so as not to be overheard. Even though she is a woman, I'm not risking getting caught out and being punished for speaking.

Are- are we allowed to t-talk?" I whisper to her quietly, my eyes glancing around frantically.

Realisation crosses over her face and a wave of compassion etches her forehead. "Of course sweetie, you don't need permission to talk here, with anyone. I promise."

"Really?" My eyes grow wide at such luxurious freedom, I haven't had that in three years.

"Yes, you're safe here. You can say anything you want- in here and outside."

She retrieves with the mug after I flinched away from it. Confusion must show on my face as I look at the mug again. Why does she keep giving that to me? I can't have anything beyond what he gives me.

"It's yours, you need some sugar."

Tentatively, I reach my hand out for it, noting the tremor in my hand as I grasp the handle.

The woman- Lila- smiles reassuringly at me. She nods her head a little as one final piece of reassurance for me before I bring the mug more steadily in my hand and close to my chest.

Clutching the mug to my chest, I let the warmth seep through me. I am not quite ready to drink it yet, I enjoy the sweet chocolate aroma from my childhood.

"Can you tell me your name? You're in a safe place now."

"O-ok, my name is Astrid."

A grin stretches across her face like my name is the most incredible thing she has ever heard.

"Hello Astrid. Do you know where you are?"

I furrow my brow as I try to recall what happened. Suddenly I remember what I'm missing, Liam! Where's Liam?

My breathing begins to increase as I panic for my baby.

"What? What is it Astrid? You can talk to me, I'm here to help you now."

I manage to squeeze enough air into my lungs to form a word. "L-Liam." I gasp.

"Hey he's ok sweetie. If I get him for you will you feel better?" I nod.

She stands and walks out of the room once again. I hear hushed, frantic voices.

Then the door reopens and my baby boy's face lights up the room. Liam squeals in happiness at the sight of me and begins to shake his chubby fists in glee.

Nervously, I put the untouched mug down on the windowsill beside the bed and hold out my arms for Liam. I need Liam more than I need a quick sugar fix.

Lila gives me an easy smile and hands him over to me, I hold him close. Relief dances through me as I finally feel whole again.

"He's positively gorgeous Astrid, his name is Liam right?"

I nod, feeling pride seep through me. Every mother enjoys a compliment about her child. It's built into our DNA.

"Yes, he's called Liam. Thank you." I say to her quietly as she sits back in the chair once again.

"He's an angel child, makes my Vidar look like a demon when he was a baby." She chuckles quietly to herself and I smile a little at the joke.

"Now Astrid, would you like to tell me what happened? You don't have to, but it might help you to talk to someone."

Liam gurgles happily while looking up at me, he inherited my eyes much to my joy and relief. I think I would have struggled to have been constantly staring into His eyes. Not that I would have cared, I'm just glad to have him in my arms, safe and alive.

"C-could I?"

She nods subtlety at my comment. "Please. Say as much as you want to me now or whenever you're ready."


I pull Liam closer to me for comfort and take a deep breath...

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