Part 43- Astrid

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"Are you sure?" I ask Lila and Doretha as I stare in the mirror

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"Are you sure?" I ask Lila and Doretha as I stare in the mirror. "I don't look fat?"

"No!" They both shout collectively causing a few squawks from other parties. Vidar had surprised me with a trip to choose my wedding dress, apparently there was a short time sale going on and that's why I had to find one today.

Turning back to the mirror, I lift the floaty material of the dress between my fingers and smile as it floats around in the air of the shop. I look beautiful in this dress, I really do. I've never felt beautiful in myself like this, but I do.

Sighing, I turn to face Doretha and Lila on the sofa and wait for their full reaction, we decided not to take either of the babies with us as I didn't especially fancy whipping out my boob every 2 hours on my first real trip out. So Eira is with Viper, Liam with Mouse.

Lila gasps when she looks at me in the dress. "Astrid sweetie, you look incredible. Do you feel incredible."

I nod my head so fervently that my hair falls in strands across my face, I brush them back and am met with a hug from my sister.

"That dress is gorgeous, you're gorgeous."

I turn and look at Lila, knowing that she's got Vidar's credit card to use for my dress and accessories.

"Is this dress too expensive."

Her head shakes with a soft smile, that's odd, I don't remember her even checking the price. I walk back into the changing room, feeling a hint of sadness as I take the dress from my body, not knowing when I'm going to get to actually wear it. Vidar has gone silent about the whole marriage, I was starting to worry he was having second thoughts. To be honest I still am, as silly as that sounds.


As soon as we pull up back to the compound and I leave the car a pair of hands grab me from behind and cover my eyes. If it was anyone else I would scream and fight against them, but I know these hands, they're Vidar's hands.

I try to remove his hands but he holds firm.

"It's a surprise baby, do you trust me?"

I nod as it's the truth, he scoops me up into his arms and presses my face into his chest so I can't look around. I'll admit I'm a little freaked. Has someone got hurt? Is something wrong? Why is he hiding me?

I hear the door to our cabin after a few moments of Vidar crossing the few meters of the compound. He places me on the wooden floor, when I open my eyes Lila and Doretha are standing in front of me. How did they get here before us?

"V?" I turn and look up at him. "What's going on?"

He bends down and kisses me on the forehead.

"It's our wedding day baby."

My eyes grow wide and I spin around to stare him face down, checking for a teasing face. To catch the lie. But it isn't there.

"Surprise..." He teases and I launch my arms around his neck and kick my legs up and around his waist. He laughs and spins me around before bending down and capturing my lips in a kiss.

"I love you, my biker."


Staring at my hair in the mirror, I can't believe how talented my big sister is at doing hair

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Staring at my hair in the mirror, I can't believe how talented my big sister is at doing hair.

"Oh Dot, it's incredible."

"You look stunning little sis."

She prods at my ribs and I squeal as it tickles. Lila walks into the room and carefully throws her arms around me. I feel like a princess when I look in the mirror.

Walking down the stairs, Doretha and Lila trail behind me. I can't hear anything in the compound, no loud conversations from the men, no bikes roaring. It's like the world is frozen as I open the front door.

There's a make shift aisle made out of tea lights in lanterns

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There's a make shift aisle made out of tea lights in lanterns. The men stand on either side making the audience. I always wanted a small, discreet wedding. This is so quiet and perfect, I want to cry at how beautiful all is. At the end of the isle stands Vidar before his father, who appears to be ordaining the marriage. All the men are still wearing their cuts over shirts and suit trousers, I wouldn't want it any other way. Liam is dressed in a tiny baby suit in Mouse's arms. Turning back I see that someone has discreetly handed Eira to my sister and is following behind me as my bridesmaid.

There's no music as I walk down the shirt isle, just the sounds of the forest.

When I reach Vidar he clasps my hands between his.

"You look so beautiful, my heart."

A few tears escape from both of us as we confess our undying love for all the world to see.


The after party, like the wedding is small, but by no means quiet. Vidar is the only man sober, he explained to me he didn't want to do the five o'clock feed with a hang over. Not that I blame him, I'm also secretly grateful because I can't drink due to breastfeeding Eira and I wouldn't want to be the only sober one around here.

Mouse sits opposite me in the booth and reaches across to clasp my hands in his. We look out at the dance floor and watch Vidar having his 'father daughter' dance with Eira.

"I'm sorry I was so distant, girlie. I was frightened about upsetting you."

I squeeze his hand reassuringly, telling him it's all ok.

"You looked beautiful today girlie."

Smiling, I open my mouth to reply but I let out a small squeak as I am lifted from the booth unexpectedly. Turning, I breathlessly look at Vidar and he has a strange look in his eyes. He carries me from the bar, leaving Liam with Lila and Eira with Erik.

"V, what are we doing?"

"Well, my little wife, you and I have some things to attend to."

My face flushes with understanding at his sinful words and I slap at his chest as the cooler spring air hits my bare skin.

"But V... I haven't been... cleared for- well you know?"

"Oh baby, there is plenty else for us to do in the meantime."

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