Part 24- Vidar

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I don't know when Astrid drifted off, but her breathing has evened out enough for me to know she's in deep sleep and resting.

Slowly, I ease out from behind her, take Liam off her chest and place him in his little cot, on his back, with the cover pulled tightly over his body so he's safe.

Gently, I pull the covers over Astrid's slumbering form and slide in beside her. I don't sleep though, my body is pumped full of rage at the knowledge that less than 200 meters away from me, is the monster that caused all her pain.

I gaze down at her gorgeous face, I need to tell her more often how beautiful she is. Beneath those fluttering eyelashes are the most captivating eyes- I knew when I saw them that she was destined to be mine.

It's just a case of finding the right time to claim her officially in the eyes of the club. Unable to sleep and worried I'm going to disturb Astrid, I stand from the bed and make my way to the porch.

The night air is freezing and unforgiving, the stars crips like diamonds of hope poking through a desolate future. I know I shouldn't, but I reach for my guilt pack of cigarettes. I quit years ago, but if I'm stressed... they help me.

I light it up and gaze out into the snow kissed compound. So absorbed in the cold beauty of the world, I fail to hear the padding sound of Astrid approaching me.

"You smoke?" Her voice is raised and questioning. I jump out of my skin.

"Jesus baby, don't sneak up on me like that. A heart attack is not taking me out."

I hold my hand out for her to take, but she steps away from me. I frown and reach for her again. She points flatly at the cigarette and then at her bump. I immediately realise my mistake and chuck the cigarette out into the snow. She holds her hand out, eyebrows raised, I hand her the pack and she disappears for a moment before reappearing empty handed.

Guiltily, I look up at her but she smiles in reassurance.

"Help me down then, idiot." She grins at me cheekily and I'm only too happy to stand and assist her on the long journey down. I set her a step lower than the one I was sitting on so she could sit in between my legs, my head resting on her shoulder as I pointed out the stars to her.

"Come back to bed please." She says after a few minutes of being outside. "I'm cold."

"Should've stayed in bed then, instead of interrupting my time." I bop her nose playfully as she chuckles lightly.

"I was cold in bed too, I need my big, bad biker to warm me up." She teases me lightly, but my corrupted thoughts immediately go somewhere a little south of her innocence.

"Come on then." I pick her up and carry her back up the stairs. However, instead of taking her into our bedroom with the sleeping Liam, I make a slight detour to the room next door.

"What are you doing?" She asks, eyes wide.

"Warming you up..."

"What?" Her voice fills the room breathlessly, I look up into her eyes and notice her glint of excitement.

"Do you trust me." She nods her head excitedly, this wasn't exactly how I'd pictured the evening going but I think she deserves some pleasure.

Cautiously and without breaking eye contact, I pull down her sweatpants, then look up to check if she's ok. Once I know she is, I move up her body gently littering kisses up her legs, pulling my hoody with me as I kiss up up stomach. "Are you sure?" I check again as my lips hover above hers.

When she only nods, I cage her between my arms and suck on her neck.

"Words kitten."

"I'm sure." She gasps out as I find her sweet spot and begin to target it.

I already know how far I'm going to take it tonight, no tasting her just yet. The first time I do that I want her to be able to moan without fear of being overheard.

Instead, I let my finger tips trace down the side of her body, goosebumps spring up wherever I touch as I make my slow decent downwards. Little whimpers of expectation escape Astrid's lip as she bites down to quiet herself.

She's never been touched like this and it's driving her wild, in every way but the brutal truth she is a virgin. And even in that way she's still a virgin, rape doesn't have to take something from her.

The simplest touches cause her body to break out in shivers and gasps as I begin to toy with the hem of her pants. Teasingly, I let my hand drift down under the cotton to cup her sex. A subdued moan rips from her as I shift my fingers along her needy core.

I kiss her cheeks, across her lips and over her eyelids as I let her take a minute to adjust to this act. After a minute I feel her muscles relax beneath mine as her hips start to grind against my palm. I push her hips down.

She whines in frustration. I shush her by letting my hand slip further down, my fingers tracing her soft skin as she rolls around beneath me. I let my thumb find the apex of her thighs and I begin to rub it merciless as she moans against my lips.

It doesn't take long before she's gripping my forearms with tight fingers. She throws her head back and falls silent as her climax reaches her body. I stroke her through it, murmuring whispers of praise as she catches her breath.

I stroke the hair from her face as I remove my other hand from her pants.

"I love you." I murmur before diving in for another kiss. When we come up for air she presses her forehead to mine whilst she pants.

"I love you too."

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