Part 33- Astrid

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A bright light burns through my closed eyes and I groan as I try to roll over. But I'm stopped by something strapping me to a bed. I choke and throw my eyes open. My arms are secured at the side of the bed and it takes me a moment to catch my head up with the rest of me.

I feel a hand squeeze mine and I twist my head to the side excitedly. Vidar is there, sat in the hospital chair one hand holding mine, the other clutching at a bundle of blankets. My eyes fly down to my bump, it's there but much smaller and more saggy.

"Vidar!" I gasp. "What happened?"

"We had the baby, my heart. Something went wrong so you had to have a c-section. But you're both fine and healthy."

"C-can I see her?" I squeak, knowing my hands are still strapped down, presumably so I didn't injure myself if I woke up disorientated.

"Baby she's yours. And she's perfect."

He shifts to sit on the edge of the bed and tilts the blankets over so I can see my little Eira's face.

"I'll call the nurse to free your hands and check on your stitches."

He presses the nurses call button and within a minute a doctor in a crisp white I coat walks in. He examines my dressing, checks my blood pressure and pulse before freeing my arms from the restraints.

He apologised for them but explained that because I wasn't aware I was going into surgery, it could be traumatic for me coming out of it.

Honestly, once he told me that I was healthy and so was Eira, I just wanted him to leave so I could hold my baby and be with Vidar.

After a while, he politely excuses himself and Vidar carefully hands me my daughter. My heart bursts as her big eyes blink and look up at me. I stroke her little cheek and swallow hard. I chuckle as she begins rooting and craning for my breast.

"What's she doing?" Vidar asks, intrigued as he points to her searching mouth.

"She's hungry, that's called rooting. Once I've fed her can I have Liam in with me as well?"

"After you've fed her everyone wants to see you."

"Ok." I blush as I open my gown and guide her little face towards my nipple. It takes a few minutes of struggling from Eira but eventually she gets the hang of it.

"Good girl, mummy's so proud of you." I stroke her cheek and coo over her. Vidar shifts so his arm is around my shoulder.

"And I'm proud of you, baby." He whispers in my ear, I grin and kiss his cheek. "You know when you're home, it's back on bed rest for weeks."

I groan and then we both chuckle. Eira pulls away from my breast and whines.

We both wince and I apologise for disrupting her meal. I could swear that if a newborn could form a filthy look, Eira would have thrown us one.


I can leave two days later, Vidar packs up all Eira's baby things that Lila packed for us after she was born. I couldn't yet walk properly so I am pushed out in a wheelchair by Vi as Lila carries her granddaughter, and Erik, his grandson.

Liam babbles throughout the entire lift journey, yanking at Erik's beard which is longer than Vidar's or Mouse's- he loves it. And whines when Erik removes his hand.

The car journey is especially painful for me, every jostle and bump sends flares of pain that the medication can't numb across my stomach and down my legs. Vidar apologises every single time and drives as slowly as he can.

It is small price to pay for the bundles of joy we have sleeping in the backseats.

Liam and Eira haven't met properly yet, we haven't explained to Liam who she isn or shown him her. They are both too young to understand properly anyway. We both decided we wanted them to meet, at home and with family.

So that's what we had planned.

Vidar carries in the two baby carriers and I take the time to enjoy the sight of my gorgeous fiancé walking into our house with his children. Mouse is waiting inside so that they aren't alone as Vidar helps me inside.

There is no discussion this time, I'm carried into the house from the car and up the stairs before I can even greet Mouse.

The covers are pulled back for me, a hot water bottle has warmed the chilly sheets and I'm so grateful for Mouse's kindness.

The girl who ends up with him is going to live like a Queen.

Vidar bends down and gives me a heart stopping kiss, I can barely keep up with his frantic movements as he pours all the terror and relief of the last few days into his feverish kiss. I finally pull away and pant and he brushes kisses along my face.

"I want my babies." I murmur against his lips, he grins and walks from the room.

Voices appear from downstairs and then I hear a door shutting, Mouse has obviously gone now.

Vidar returns with Liam in one arm, Eira in the other. He chuckles at his full arms, eyes full of love. He hands me Liam and sits beside me on the bed. His daughter cradled close to his chest as he rocks her into a lulling sleep.

Looks like I won't be getting much of my daughter with Vi in the room.

"I told you she'd be a daddy's girl." He whispers as Eira grips onto his finger and stares with big eyes up into his face. I press kisses into Liam's hair and on his cheeks. He chortles and says 'mumma" over and over again as I give him the attention he's been missing.

"Swap?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, expecting Vidar to put up a fight. He's only too happy to have a turn holding Liam. Although he does cry out a little as soon as Liam begins to yank at his beard.

"Come on now son. Don't hurt your pa." Liam grizzles and startles Eira, she begins to scream. Liam jumps at the screaming bundle in my arms, his eyes screw up before he begins to wail with his sister.

We both look at each other in a combination of surprise and horror before looking at our children, who are screaming along to one another.

Even thought the noise is deafening and my stomach feels like fire, even though I'm exhausted, this moment is perfect.

Especially as Vidar shifts Liam over slightly, so he can bend down and kiss me once again.

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