Part 23- Astrid

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I'm home.

I'm safe.

I'm sitting in Vidar's bedroom on his bed, wearing one of his hoodies. He refused flat out to put me in the room I had used previously. He even had two men bring in Liam's cot.

"We're going to be a family from now on."

That's what he said, and I'm still swooning. Lila is sat beside me, a damp cloth in her hand as she gently dabs the blood off my hands and face.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, I just shot her son. She must feel so much resentment towards me.

"Why are you sorry sweetie?"

"I-I shot him, Vidar is going to kill him b-because of me."

"Oh sweetie I'm not cross with you. Hell I'm impressed! And if Vidar doesn't give him exactly what he deserves, I will."

I gasp and my jaw drops, I'm so surprised a mother could feel that. But I'm not about to judge her, who knows what her son has done to her... and what he did to me. It must be hard for her.

"Are you ok, Astrid? Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I shake my head, needing to process what's happened to me.

"I want Vidar." I whisper. She smiles understandingly and stands to leave.

"I'll get him for you sweetie, no one blames you, you know."

I'm left alone for only a few seconds before Vidar appears with Liam in tow.

"Hey Astrid baby, you doing ok?" I nod once again, why do people keep asking me this?

I shuffle my body forwards,away from the pillows, hoping he will understand what I want. Like always, he does. Removing his cut, he lays it on the chair beside the bed. He plonks Liam on the bed and my baby crawls up towards me, I scoop him into my arms and cradle him close.

By now Vidar has pulled off his jeans and pulled on some sweatpants, he looks so soft and sexy. He tattooed stomach has a few bruises littered across it and I wince in guilt. He sits behind me on the bed, pulls me into his warm chest and I sigh in happiness. Liam is sitting up high on my chest so there is no weight on my stomach which has been a bit uncomfortable recently.

Vidar's hands snake around my waist and sit on my stomach. He rubs it gently on slow, soothing circles. Our daughter, huh that still feels too good to be true, knows his presence and kicks out with a little foot against hand. I can feel him smiling against my neck. He leaves a small, loving peck there and it's my turn to smile.

"Did I ever tell you I'm half Welsh?" I ask Vidar. His hair brushes against my face as he shakes his head.

"Well, I know what to call my-"

"Our." He interrupts.

"Our daughter."

"You do?" Once again I can feel his smile against the soft skin I my neck. I nod as well, unable to contain my smile. I'm so pleased with the name.

"It's Eira."

"Why that name?" I can hear the pondering in his tone.

"It means snow in Welsh..."

"Because that's where I found you all," he connects my thinking before I have to explain it to him, "in the snow."

"Do you like it?" I'm nervous at his reaction, I want his blessing.

"Like it? Astrid baby it's perfect." He twists his body and lays down so his face is pressed against my bump.

"Hello my little Eira, daddy can't wait to meet you." She kicks out her response to him and the moment is made.

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