Part 29- Astrid

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The image of a family that Vidar placed in my mind sits like the embers of a fire and warms me throughout. We are still sitting downstairs, waiting for Lila and Erik to drop Liam back home to me.

Whilst I, of course, miss my baby boy, having some time to have a somewhat normal date with Vidar was a truly special experience.

A knock sounds and I go to answer the door, but Vidar's strong arm pins me against his chest.

"They have keys." He whispered huskily in my ear, sending shivers down my body, they settle at my core. "Come in!" He calls out to his parents once he's moved his mouth from against my ear.

The door opens after a few seconds and Liam appears in Erik's arms.

"Hello you two." Lila beams at us curled up together on the sofa. "You have fun."

I nod in response and Vidar kisses my forehead before answering. "We did, thank you. Now how's my son been?"

"Your son has been an angel aside from being a bit grizzly. I think he's starting to teeth poor chick." I frown, hating the idea of my baby being in pain without me.

"I think we have a teething ring upstairs that I can fill with ice. And we definitely have numbing gel." I reply. "Viper really knew what he was doing, huh."

Vidar throws back his head and guffaws with laughter. "Not exactly. He walked into the store and told them to gather everything a nine month old baby could need. He spent 4 grand in there!"

"What!" I exclaim, "why would you spend that on me and Liam? We weren't together then."

"I know." I can feel Vidar smile into my neck as Lila brings Liam to sit on my lap. "But you were mine from the minute I saw you."

"Oh." I blush as Lila coos at us and Erik rolls his eyes at his son.

"Knock it off boy, I taught you half those moves!"

We all laugh and the action feels so natural to me that it catches me off guard. My family and cold and unloving, but Liam and Eira, they're going to grow up in a family full of love. I'm so blessed.

Liam gurgles happily as Vidar lifts him up and over me so he can hold him. Lila sits on the chair next to the burner and makes small talk with me about what we did while Liam was gone.

After about 20 minutes Liam starts to grizzle and whine. Big tears roll down his chubby cheeks and he shakes his fists.

"Oh Liam, buddy, what's wrong?" Vidar holds the sobbing baby into his neck and slips out from behind me. "I'll get some ice out of the freezer to put in the net for him."

He wanders off with Liam in his arms. I watch him go with utter love in my eyes, I forget to change my expression as I turn back to face Lila.

"Oh you are so smitten sweetie." Lila grins at me, "I'm so happy for you both."

Vidar reappears with a pink teething net, filled with cooling ice to help his sore gums. He hands Liam back to me and I start to jig him gently before Vidar offers Liam the net. I help Liam to grab the handle and position the net to the swollen side of his mouth.

His tears slow as the ice soothes him. "That better baby." I kiss his little forehead and he gurgles happily once again.

Vidar sits himself back behind me and Erik and Lila turn to leave. Lila kisses Liam's head and hand. Erik gives us all a curt nod before pulling his wife under his shoulder.


At around 2 in the morning we are woken by Liam screaming. Vidar kisses me and tells me to sleep, he's got it. He pick Liam up and takes his downstairs with the numbing gel and the teething ring.

After 20 minutes of listening to Liam's distressed tears I finally can bear it no longer. My back screams and aches as I stand from the bed, I'm permanently sleep deprived anyway, so this is a nightmare.

Wrapping a dressing gown around my body, I descend to the sitting room, taking my time as it's hard to make it downstairs in the dark when your centre of gravity is off.

Vidar is standing with a finger in Liam's mouth and he massages the gel around his gums. He's also trying to rock and bounce Liam to soothe him. None of it seems to be working. Vidar frowns when he sees me.

"It's ok V, I'll hold him, you do the gel ok?"

He nods reluctantly, knowing he in fact needs help to deal with the screaming ball of pain. I begin to rock Liam, humming his favourite lullaby softly into his hair. Shifting Liam around to face Vidar, the gel goes back onto his gums. I hope it brings him some relief. But honestly the teething ring seemed to have more impact. Vidar must have thought that as well because he wanders off a returns with it.

Tonight, however, Liam screams and spits it out. He screams until morning, until he's hoarse and weak with exhaustion's Vidar and I are close to tears with frustration and sleep deprivation.

Mouse walks through the door with a cheery 'morning' and a smile. He then looks at the state of the three of us and starts laughing. "Oh my little warrior, what have they done to you?"

"Liam is teething. We've been up since two with him screaming." I practically yawn out.

Mouse walks towards us all and scoops Liam from my arms with a cheeky smile. "You two get some sleep, I've got him."

Both of us too tired to argue, we trudge back upstairs and collapse onto bed. Before I drift off to sleep I can hear Mouse chattering away to Liam and happy baby noises as well.

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