Part 18- Mouse

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A shriek of pure, hideous fear comes from Vidar's office. I can tell immediately that it's Astrid, and she's in desperate need of reassurance.

Standing, I hold Liam to me and make my way out into the hall. A small blur of wild eyes and streaming hair knock into me, I catch her little body before she hits the floor.

Her face is coated in horrific fear, mouth open in a silent scream.

"Mouse did you know!" She screams, not entirely sure what she's talking about I immediately say I don't.

"Please! You have to save us! He's going to give us back!" Her wails reach a pitch that tell me she's having a panic attack. Vidar is standing in his office doorway, a look of confusion and fear on his features. I subtly tell him to stay there, to trust me.

Astrid needs to feel safe so she can tell us what's wrong. "It's ok girlie, I'll take you somewhere safe." I can feel the conflict inside her as she desperately tries to make a decision, she decides to trust me and nods her little head.

She's bare foot so I bend down and scoop her into my arms with Liam. I carry her whimpering form out of pres' cabin and towards the club car. It's rarely used, but in times it can be useful.

Placing her gently in the backseat with Liam in her arms. I walk to the drivers seat, by the time I've sat down she's barely conscious. Clinging to Liam like a lifeline.

I pull out my phone and quickly text Vidar. Uncles cabin. Find out what's wrong, tell you.

He doesn't reply so I have to assume he understands, until we know what's happened Vidar is the last person she wants to see.


I finally get a trembling Astrid into my uncle's cabin, a ten minute drive away from the clubhouse. Her eyes are wide and unseeing, she's lost in her fear.

"Come on girlie," I say gently as I place her on the sofa, "talk to me."

"Vidar is a liar."she chokes out and swallows deeply.

I've called Vidar so he can listen first hand to the problem.

"He said he would never let Him hurt me again. But he lied. He's standing next to Him in a fucking photo!" Her voice raises to a shriek in betrayal. She thinks her heart has been broken.

"Who was in the photo girlie, you tell me."

"V-Vidar, Lila, Erik an-and H-Him."

"The other man in the photo, girlie, was he the one who... hurt you?"

I'm already 90% certain that Vidar's brother is in fact the one who did this to an innocent girl. But I need Vidar to hear for certain because this could destroy him.

"Yes, I'd know that face anywhere."

I hear Vidar swear quietly, his rage only contained by the fear of upsetting Astrid.

"Girlie, Vidar didn't know it was his brother. He's going to kill him for what he did to you and Liam. He'd soon chop off his arm and eat it rather than even see you cry."


"Would I lie to you girlie?"

She shakes her little head and I feel relief at her trust.

"Shit!" I hear Vidar's voice roar down the phone. "He knows I have her! He heard me talking about her when he was on the phone."

"Bror. You have to get back now!"

Frantically, I grab Astrid's hand and pull Liam into my arms. "We have to go now. Vidar can keep you safe. The club will protect you both."

She nods once again, still uneasy about Vidar, I know once she sees his rage all will become apparently clear. That not even he knew what his brother was capable of.

I open the door, Astrid clinging to my arm.

I hear her intake of breathe.

I feel a sudden pain in the back of my head.

I see nothing.

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