Part 8- Astrid

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Once I've calmed down enough to think straight again, I wipe my tears off my cheeks and kiss Liam's sweet baby face.

He's still got those chubby cheeks that he was born with, I hope he never looses them, but then again I hope he stays my sweet baby boy forever and I know that will never happen.

"Hey my baby, mummy missed you... yes I have... yes I have." I kiss his tummy as he kicks his legs in glee. "Did you miss mummy?" I ask and he squeals in response. I take it as a yes and give him another round of kisses and tickling fingers that has him squealing in joy until he gives himself the hiccups.

Sighing I roll onto my side taking Liam with me so I'm shielding his body from the world, he curls up closer beside me, his body wrapped around my baby bump.

I place my hand onto it and smile as I feel the baby react to his big brother. Deciding I'd only sleep for a minute, I let my eyes close with a soft exhale of peaceful relief.

That Lila woman was kind, she said she'd keep me safe. Maybe I'm insane, but I trust her.

A tapping at the door wakes me up with a jolt, Liam's face scrunches up with trapped tears. He never really cries anymore, the journey on the plane was the first time I'd heard him cry in months. It was conditioned out of him.

If Liam ever cried He would come in and shout at him, right up in his face. He would also beat me to the floor. Liam learnt fast that crying was bad.

I hated Him for all the trauma he gave my baby boy.

Lila's face appears in the doorway with a motherly smile, I instantly relax my tense and braced muscles.

"Gosh that baby of yours sure is an angel- does he ever cry?" She teases I know she means it playfully, she doesn't realise the problem she has unwittingly stumbled upon and joked about.

I bite my lip and let the tears fall.

"H-he can't..." I gulp out in between tears.

Within seconds Lila is beside me and arms are thrown around my shoulders. She keeps them loose so I don't feel trapped. I sink into her shoulder as the emotion creates a typhoon in my soul. She makes me think of a mum, not mine necessarily, but what a mum should be like.

I feel warm and safe.

After a few minutes I take a deep breath and she releases me when she can tell I've reached my limit with this contact.

"Why can't he cry? Does he need the doctor right now?" She asks softly. I shake my head and scoop him up, his head falls on my shoulder as he dozes back into a deep sleep.

"His father... whenever Liam cried, he would come in and shout in his face and raise his hand to hit him. He'd also hit me as punishment. Now Liam is too afraid to cry... he knows it leads to bad things and he can't understand otherwise. It's conditioned into him." I whimper.

Lila's own eyes mist up with unshed tears and she murmurs so quietly I know it wasn't meant for my ears. "You poor child."

Silence falls on us for a moment as we both think of something to say. Then the heavy reality of my situation slams into me. This is only a temporary arrangement.

"When do we have to leave?" I ask her softly, not making eye contact. I know it's only a matter of time, I just hope I can get something to eat and maybe a bit more sleep before I have to go.

Her eyes widen at my question. "You don't ever have to go, not unless you want to, of course."

The smile of joy escapes onto my features, it crawls over my face and I smile freely.

Another tapping at the door has my eyes widening.

I trust Lila. But only Lila.

"Relax Astrid," she reassured me immediately, "that's just my boy bringing you some food. Honestly it's been a challenge keeping him away from you." She giggles at me playfully and I giggle back, feeling a little braver.

The huge man I remember from earlier appears holding a tray. He's dressed casually in a hoody and jeans, and yet still looks like a model. I used to hate people like that, but now, looking at him... hate isn't the right emotion.

"Hello Astrid." He says keeping his deep voice low and not at all threatening. He even sounds nervous, what's a great bear of a man like him doing being nervous of a pathetic thing like me?

"I've bought you some soup, and some baby food for Liam. He liked the pear one earlier so I've got him the same again now."

A smile graces his beautiful features and his eyes light up as he moves nearer to the bed. Cautiously he places the tray on my lap and then takes the tub of baby food off it. I frown, puzzled.

"What are you doing?" I whisper to him, "Babies are a woman's job."

A glower takes over his emotions but it doesn't feel directed at me. He reaches over to pick up Liam and I fail to hide my flinch as his hand moves too close near my face. He winced and sadness consumes his features.

Liam gurgles happily as Vidar holds him in his arms and offers his pinky finger to my baby, who happy clings to it.

"Babies are a man's job too." He replies stoically.

As I carefully spoon up some soup, under the watchful eye of Lila, Vidar feeds Liam some mushed up pears. He is eating up every hiccup and giggle Liam makes.

It's so adorable. I guess babies could be a man's job too.

Lila watches him with immense pride, he is her son I suppose.

"Will you two be alright if I go for a minute?"

Vidar nods his head briefly and I smile with a gentle tilt to my head.

I'm not scared of this man, he rescued me and Liam.

"Thank you." I say to him once his mother has left. "Thank you for everything."

"No." He shakes his head as he hails Liam over one shoulder to burp him. "Thank you."

Awww I really hope you like Vidar. (I know I do- plus men with babies are something else!)

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