Part 45- Astrid

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When I open my eyes, I find Vidar still sleeping. Soft snores escape from his peaceful form as he holds me to his chest.

With soft fingers, I caress along his chest, tracing the tattoos in intrigue. A low groan fills the room, as Vidar rolls over onto his stomach, pinning me down beneath him. His arms tighten around me and I feel like a teddy bear. Nestled against my chest, I stroke the thick tendrils of his hair as he begins to snore again.

Vidar seems absolutely exhausted, in all honesty he is incredible with the night feeds and the cries for attention that occur from our children. I had almost a year to adapt to it with Liam before Eira arrived, but Vidar just threw himself into it. He deserves to sleep in a bit today.

After a little while of simply admiring my husband, I feel a sneeze coming on. I desperately try to hold it in, but I can't.

The sneeze wakes Vidar with a mild start, he looks up at my and then smiles when he realises where his head is. He snuggles further into my chest and mutters a husky 'morning baby'.

"Morning Vi."

We lay there for a while, lazily touching and stroking one another, nothing sexually charged or heated, just exploratory loving.


"Hmmm." He mumbles before rolling off me and laying beside me instead.

"I want a dog." I suddenly exclaim, breaking the silence as the random thought pops into my head.

He looks at me with a surprised laugh at my random, impromptu outburst.

"A dog?"

"Yes. I have alway wanted a dog. And now it will complete our family."

He nods and shifts onto his stomach.

"Sounds good baby, whatever you want. A puppy or a rescue dog?"

"You want a puppy as well as a newborn and an one year old?" I cackle with unattractive laughter as his face suddenly falls in horror as he imagines our crazy life with a puppy as well.

"Perhaps not."

I giggle in agreement before beginning to stroke my nails along the skin up his back. He stretches out like a cat, I swear he almost starts purring.

Our lazy morning is cut short by a knock at the door before the sound of it opening and Lila's voice fills the house.

We both groan with morning muscles before standing from bed and searching for clothes. We both pull on sweatpants and a hoody, as the mornings are still chilly and the fire has not yet been lit.

"You ready?"

"So ready!" I exclaim perhaps a little overzealously as Vidar looks down at me, a mock impression of hurt on his face.

"Not because I haven't had an amazing time just the two of us..." I stand on my tiptoes and he bends so I can whisper in his ear. "My boobs are killing me, I need to feed Eira."

A dark look of mischief over takes Vidar's face and he bends down to whisper in my ear.

"I could've helped with that."

I let out a squeak at his dirty innuendo and slap his chest lightly.

"Another time then." He murmurs right before he opens the sitting room door to greet his parents. I'm left blushing at his filthy words.


"Vidar? Where are we going?" I question as I watch I'm strap Liam and Eira into the car seats. He merely taps the end of his nose with a teasing smirk. Rolling my eyes, I follow his direction and get into the passenger seat.

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