Part 16- Vidar

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2 weeks have passed since the hospital and Astrid has not spoken or moved from her room. She cares for Liam, with my ma's help.

It's taking every piece of self control on me to not insist on helping her as well, but ma is worried that seeing me might not be the best.

Her trauma has overcome her since the hospital visit, I don't know if she was just in shock before and that's why she was so calm with me, or if something has triggered this fear.

Ma walks into the living room, exhausted footfalls patter across my floor as she walks towards me. "Has she spoken yet?"

My ma doesn't answer, her lip trembles.

"Can you get your dad for me?" She whimpers. I've never seen her like this, so distressed, due to her job she is used to traumatic incidents and traumatised people. But Astrid... Astrid has hit something deep within her.

I text my pa to come immediately. I sit next to my mother and hold her hand until I hear heavy footfalls crunching in the snow outside.

The door is burst open and my pa is by my ma's side within another second, scooping her up close to his chest and whispering sweet nothings into her hair.

"Dad!" I choke out as I look at my door, the lock now busted. "You could have knocked!"

But my irritation falls on deaf ears as my father is comforting my mother. Their love is so pure, a blooming lily on a wasteland of regret.

"She wants you Vi. Go talk to her." My ma whispers to me, her voice unable to raise above a trembling whimper.

"Did she speak?" My voice raises in shock and relief.

"She did, and now she needs to talk to you. Erik baby, can you take me home?"

"What about Astrid? She needs you!" I exclaim, surprised at her choice to leave the girl she has become so attached to.

"She doesn't need me right now son. Now get your butt upstairs."

"Listen to your mother son."

I feel like a scolded child! But I'm so relieved Astrid has spoken once again and that she wants me. That has to be a good sign right?

I reach the room that has become her and Liam's, the door has been left open by my mum but I still knock to alert her that I'm here.

"Hi." Her little voice drifts out to meet me and my heart thuds in relief.

I walk into the room and am immediately greeted by Liam's cheery little face, his fists clap together at the sight of me.

I go towards him and scoop him up, immediately his fist brushes up against my cheek, like his way to say he missed me.

"Are you ok?" I ask her quietly and she nods, her hands are yet to leave her stomach which has definitely grown in the last two weeks.

"Lila said I should talk to you about what happened. That I shouldn't be frightened because you won't hurt me."

I sit beside her on the bed, still holding Liam. "She's right, I'd never hurt you. I'd sooner chop off my leg than even see you sad." She giggles lightly at that and my mood immediately brightens.

"Please don't though." She exclaims whilst looking at me. "I'm sorry I didn't talk for so long."

"That's ok baby, you were processing what you had to. Never feel bad for taking time to heal." She reaches her hand out for mine and grips it, I'm stunned. She's like a different person.

"Thank you. Ca-can I talk to you."

"Of course you can baby," I stroke her hand with my thumb, "you tell me whatever you want."

She smiles and shifts back so she's lying down with her head on the pillow. Astrid is coming alive before me, she's more confident and self assured, she trusts me. Carefully, I shift myself around so I an lying down beside her, Liam lying on my chest and snuggling into it in his sleep.

"It's a girl." She whispers and I freeze, looking at her in awe and wonder. A girl. My little girl.

Cautiously, I lift my hand and go to place it on her stomach, but I stop myself, not wanting to cross a line. Her smaller, paler hand reaches up and grabs my wrist, bringing it down until I touch her belly. Her eyes are staring into mine the whole time, the intimacy is thundering in my ears as I feel my little girl shifting inside her.

"That's incredible." I breathe. Say it now. The little voice whispers in my head. Ask her...

Taking a deep breath, I prepare to tell her I want her to be mine. I want to tell her that Liam is my son, and the baby will be my daughter.

Fate, however, had other plans. Liam woke himself up with a sleepy yawn, looks at my face, gives me a gummy smile and says "dada". We both freeze as we look at each other.

Astrid looks like a deer caught in a road, but I can see a shadow of a smile there, just waiting to blossom should I agree with Liam's statement.

This actually happened better than I could have planned it, I look at Liam who is straining his neck upwards on my chest. "That's right buddy. I'm your daddy."

My heart soars and Astrid grins at me, her eyes wide with relief and happiness. I look over at Astrid and catch her jaw with my thumb as I gently caress her cheekbone.

"And you're mine." I bring my nose closer to her's until they're almost touching each other. She smiles and relaxes into my proximity.

All three of us doze together, lulled to sleep by our breathing and companionship. I'm awoken by the feeling of Astrid shifting and leaving. My hand tightens on her's. Why is she leaving?

"Vidar..." she squeals and tugs at my arm, "I have to pee." I let go immediately and she breathes a sigh of relief as she scrambles to the toilet. I feel seriously guilty.

"Sorry, Love." I say as she shuffled back towards the bed. "Are you ok?"

She nods unconvincingly and bites her lip, I shift up as much a Liam's sleeping form would allow me. I hold him to me as I sit up and Astrid joins me. My arm wraps around her shoulder and she lays her head on the shoulder.

"I was pregnant before Liam." She whispers softly into my chest, I don't reply. I just let her talk. "You can tell a baby's gender as early as 18 weeks- did you know that?"

I shake my head, swallowing hard.

"That was the only time I saw a doctor, to check it was a boy. That was all He wanted. A boy for an heir."

I pull my arms even closer around her, letting her speak at the pace she wants.

"Only the baby wasn't a boy, she was a girl. He got so mad, I was dragged from my room into the bar. He threw me onto the floor..." her voice wavers.

My fury is coursing throughout my veins but I gently stroke her arm and kiss her head to calm her. If what I think happened happened I'm going to hunt him down.

"...and they made me lose the baby. I just got so frightened it would happen again." She holds her stomach and rubs it as her body shakes with sobs. Liam stirs and silently reaches for his mother. She takes him gratefully and rocks him.

"No one will ever hurt you or Liam or your baby ever again. I promise you this. You're all safe now and I will protect you."

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