Part 39- Astrid

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As Vidar deals with the two babies, I sit on the bed and hold my sister as she cries.

The day's events have proven overwhelming to Dot, all she wants to do is hold Liam or Eira, a request I am only too happy to oblige her with. Once both of the children have had a successful bath time with their father, he brings them out and sits Liam on the bed with a teething ring, Eira in my sister's arms.

He then spins me around into the bathroom as I shriek and giggle. The door is closed and I find myself on top of the counter, with Vidar standing between my legs.

He leans down with a soft smile etched on his lips as I tilt my head up to meet him, he always knows what I need. I take a moment to gaze at his beautiful face, it's always a source of surprise that he loves me. I'm truly a lucky woman to be loved by such a man.

Vidar descends further, pushing our lips At first, the kiss is light and gentle, a healing touch from the terrible day we've had, but I want more.

Wrapping my legs around his hips, I pull him closer to me, my hands slip up his shirt and clutch at his back. He deepens the kiss before pausing for a second to pull his T-shirt off his body.

I gasp as I let my fingers trace the tattoos along his chest. Then my movements are stopped as Vidar's hand moves possessively up my chest and wraps around my neck. He squeezes lightly, enough to cause me to tip my head back further, his hand still there, he leans back into the kiss. It's hungrier, more frantic and claiming. A light moan escapes my lips but V catches it between his.

"You have no idea how badly I want you, do you?"

I blush and move to hide in his chest, but his hand tightens lightly on my throat for a second and my face is pulled up to his. Our eyes gaze at each other. But his brown eyes are darkened and swirling as he moves his face to the side of mine to whisper in my ear.

"Do you?" His voice is low and gravely, a shudder trickles down my spine and pools in my stomach. I shake my head, but that answer isn't enough for him.

He releases his hand from my throat and bends down to kiss along it. I never expected to like dominance, let alone what Vidar just did, but I'm so turned on right now I'm grateful for the chilly counter to keep me grounded.

"I love you, baby." He murmurs into the soft skin of my neck between kisses before he pulls me from the counter and wraps his arms around me. I lean my cheek against his chest, his heart is thumping beneath me and I sigh in total bliss.

Vidar speaks after a few moments of holding me. "I've spoken to Hacker." I hum as he speaks. "He's going to try and track her baby, see if he can find them."

"They'll be 8 now. Is that even possible?"

"We'll try, but best not to tell her."

I nod wholeheartedly in agreement with his logic. "Thank you for inviting her to come back with us."

"Of course baby, I'll do anything for you. And I would have done it regardless, no one deserves to live in a house with those people."

"Your heart is so kind, my Vidar."

I smile, wanting to stay in these moments forever, outside the bathroom door I hear Liam squealing and laughing.

"Let's go back to them." I murmur into his lips as I give him a light peck. "T-shirt on Mr."

I turn to leave and he swats my bottom with his palm. I shriek and jump out of my skin, I turn and look at him with a frown. He grins and shrugs nonchalantly as he pulls his T-shirt back on.

Doretha is laying back on the bed, with Eira in her arms and Liam clinging to her thigh as he looks up at her face. Although she's beaming down at my children, I can feel the great sadness in her as she strokes Eira's hair from her face.

"Our flight is tomorrow at 9." Vidar announces after checking his phone- a text from Hacker.

I check my phone for the time, it's six o'clock, definitely time for Liam and Eira to go to bed. Admittedly, it's an hour later than normal, but with all the chaos of the day, the routine has been broken.

I'll be up every two hours to feed the wriggling newborn and so will Vidar- it's probably best if we all go to bed as well now.

Vidar thinks the same thing; he grabs a blanket from the bed and lays it on the small hotel sofa. He sits down heavily on it and checks if he can fit. Obviously he can't, I laugh outright at the appearance of his scrunched up from. Doretha titters with me and Liam's eyes widen at the sound.

"I'll take the sofa." She says cautiously, every movement and word is measured and careful. "I'll only get in the way when you're feeding Eira anyway."

Reluctantly, I agree that it does make the most sense but I take the two pillows from my side and give them to her.

"But what about you? You need one too."

I shake my head and Vidar moves to stand behind me. "I've got my pillow right here." I slap his chest lightly and his face puffs up with pride.

Vidar bends down and scoops up Liam and rocks him slowly in his arms, wrapped in his cut. "Bed time, my little Warrior." He hums into Liam's hair before laying him down in the travel cot and tucking him in tightly. Eira's cot is on the other side of the room so I take her over there to settle her down.

Doretha is in the bathroom, using the toothbrush we called down to reception for. I sing Eira her favourite lullaby and sigh in relief as she sleepily yawns. It seems the day has taken its toll on her as well. I may get three hours of sleep before she wakes up hungry again. What a luxury.


The flight back was far more successful than the trip over, no one was covered in vomit and Liam slept the entire trip. Eira had been disruptive all night so Liam and Doretha slept for the whole seven hours in some form of exhaustion coma. I just let my head lean on Vidar's shoulder as I held Eira, reading to her, feeding her and singing softly to her.

Vidar dozes occasionally but mainly he's awake and stroking my head or arm soothingly. He never lets me forget that I'm loved.

Once we land and make our way out of the packed airport, we find Mouse and Viper waiting by the car to collect us. Liam calls out when he sees his two best friends and kicks his legs out to spur us on faster.

"Hey there little Warrior." Mouse greets Liam and Viper smiles softly at me before opening the car doors for us. Then his slow and measured movements falter as Vidar steps forward, revealing my sister.

"Viper, Mouse. This is my sister, Doretha. She's coming back with us."

Mouse offers his hand to her and she shakes it politely, but stiffly. Viper merely nods his head in her direction before turning back to Eira in the back seat. My sister seemed to prefer his greeting to Mouse's so that was something.

Throughout the entire journey home, I catch Viper looking in the mirror to train his eyes onto my sister as she gazes unseeing out of the window. Her hands shaking as she bites down at her nails.

Reaching over Liam's travel seat, I find her free hand and squeeze it firmly. It breaks her from her trance and she looks down at our intertwined hands.

"Thank you." She speaks softly for the first time that day, her voice is hoarse and laced with unshed tears. At her words, Viper's eyes dart up and stare at her for a brief moment before returning to the road ahead.

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