Part 26- Vidar

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Unable to sleep once again, I look over at my slumbering family. But peace won't settle in my chest. The little voice in the back of my head keeps reminding me of the other matter I have to deal with. The justice that needs to be served.

Finn. He is no longer my brother. Instead he is just an abuser, a monster, a cruel man who needs to be dealt with. Doc has kept him alive up until I'm ready for him, his blood loss was extensive, but he would survive long enough for Bolt and I to have some fun.

Fed up with putting off the inevitable, and giving my brother any kind of respite, I leave the bed and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Leaning against the counter, I pour myself a glass of water... and then a glass of whiskey.

I'm going to fetch Bolt and start some fun. Like many of the members, Bolt holds a room in the clubhouse where the women are easy and the alcohol readily available.

The cold air hits my face as I leave my cabin, careful to lock the door tightly behind me. I'll send Mouse round if I'm not back by morning. And judging by the pinkish hue of dawn chasing away the darkness, I won't be back before Astrid wakes.

I walk into the club house and the bar is deserted save for the acrid stench of old beer, sweat and arousal. This was never my scene exactly.

Slamming on the door I remember to be Bolt's, I hear an angry curse and a woman's shriek. I wince slightly, looks like I interrupted him at the auspicious moment.

He throws the door open with a snarl, but realises it's me and halts in submission.

"What's wrong pres?" He side steps the doorway so a scantily dressed woman can escape down the stairs.

I raise an eyebrow ruefully, "At 4am, really Bolt?"

He holds his hands up in defence. "What can I say pres, I'm an up all night kinda guy."

"Let's go have some fun." His evil grin at the prospect of inflicting pain haunts his features and he grabs his cut from chair and nods his head for us to go.

The cell we're keeping him in is a few meters away from the rest of the compound. It's disgusting, I decided not to have it cleaned for him, despite the fact it was still filled with the remnants of Bolt's last interrogation. The smell alone was a punishment.

Before we go in, I decide to fill Bolt in on exactly what was done to Astrid, to Liam, and to the baby he ripped from her.

"She has 34 cigarette burns, Liam has one on his chest. She was kept in a room for 3 years, raped by him whenever he wanted to. He kicked her first baby from her body. Forced her to give birth to Liam alone, and without any medical attention. Less than a month after he began raping her again. You make him suffer. Make him choke on his own blood. He's no longer a brother. He's not even a man... treat him as such."

Bolt was foaming with anger, he knew I'd only told him the basics and that made him even more enraged. To make matters worse, he kidnapped Mouse and violated the club laws. I knew Finn would be dead soon- I just hope he's begging for it by the end.

Finn's screams were still permeating the forest as I left the cell. I hadn't been able to stay in the cell as Bolt gave Finn his punishment. It surprised me that I couldn't, even though he wasn't my brother anymore, there was a tiny nag in my chest that made me ache.

I decided to leave it to Bolt and walked away from the cell. I sat a few feet away with my head in my hands, I couldn't shake the guilt that I should have enjoyed punishing him more. Especially after what he did to Astrid, I just couldn't force myself.

Finally, I dig into my pocket to check my phone. I let out a curse when I realise it had been on silent. The screen showed that Mouse had been calling and texting me frantically. I jolt when I look at the time, we'd been down there for four hours!

"What is it bror?" I say down the phone as answer his latest call.

"It's Astrid, she's passed out. The ambulance is coming, she's asking for you."

I'm already running, at the mention of her name her name my panic spikes and I'm ready to fight. Then, when I hear she's hurt, lightening bolts hit my feet and I freeze in horror before sprinting back to my cabin.

I shouldn't have left her. Once again Finn has succeeded in hurting her.

The door to my cabin is thrown open and my father is standing by the door waiting for the ambulance to arrive. I push past him without acknowledging him. I need to get to her.

Taking the stairs three at a time, I bump into the side of the hall as I panically try to get to her. If she's fallen she could have not only hurt herself, but the baby too. It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

I find Astrid slumped in Mouse's arms as Liam wails in confusion on the bed. Mouse turns in relief and holds Astrid out to me. I take her eagerly, cradling her close to my chest as her shallow breathing rocks my body. Her eyes flick open, but they are blank and unseeing.

"Talk to her," Mouse suggests as he holds Liam and tries to calm him down, "let's go find teddy, shall we do that Liam?"

Liam's screams are only weak snuffles as Mouse carries him from the room and away from the chaos.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." I repeat over and over again into her hair until I hear the sirens echo throughout the room.

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