Part 13- Vidar

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I wake to Astrid wriggling on my chest as she wakes, groggy and confused. I didn't mean to fall asleep with her again but her warmth and the relief of having her in my arms lulled me to sleep. It felt peaceful, knowing she was safe and I could protect her, it's been a trend the last few days. I sleep better with her in my arms.

My phone buzzes, my brother is calling. He shatters the peace I had with Astrid. Whatever is going on in his club, clearly he's frantic, but honestly I'm not inclined to help him. He's a mean fucker with a vicious temper- there's a reason mum never goes to visit him let's just say.

After I shut Astrid's door, careful to not slam it, I finally answer the phone.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snarl, I really hate my prick of a brother.

"You didn't answer my fucking text, I've got a situation down here!"

"Well maybe if you were a better president that wouldn't, we're all fine up here." I brag a little smugly. I'm in my home office now, the door tightly shut.

"Fuck off, these were... unforeseen circumstances." He seems to be choosing his words very carefully. My dad walks in, breaking the ponderous thoughts I had.

"Shut up." I tell him bluntly, like I said, I don't get on with my brother.

"What does he want?" My dad asks.

"Men. Somethings happened down there but he won't tell me what." I explain, bored with the whole situation and wanting to be with Astrid.

After about 20 minutes of mindless bickering and discussing other club business,we finally get him to agree to say why he needs help.

"I... I had a... prisoner escape. And I need them back for questioning."

"You what!" Both my father and I roar down the phone, his incompetence is beyond belief.

Before we can talk any further my mother storms into the office. We both freeze as we look at her. My dad holds his hand out for her, she slaps it instead.

"You're both fucking idiots, do you know that?" She hisses.

Neither of us answer, I'm sure she's right. I'm just not sure what makes us idiots.

Rolling her eyes with a sinful irritation, she continues.

"Astrid? Liam? Traumatic experiences with abusive men? Any of this jumping out at you?"

We still stay silent.

"You're shouting and swearing has terrified Astrid and Liam... well Liam is too afraid to move. So well down." Her voice never raises above a whisper, which makes her so much more scary.

"Christ Lila babe, I'm sorry." My dad immediately apologises. I'm still in shock at the idea that I frightened the two people I want to protect the most.

"I-I'll go talk to her ma." I venture cautiously.

"Nope. No you won't, you're both leaving the house now and finish whatever that business was. I'm taking Astrid to the hospital."

My blood tingles with chills. "What's wrong. Ma what's wrong with her?"

"Nothing new is wrong." She answers curtly. "I'm taking her to have an ultrasound and proper checks on the baby. Pick two guys to come with us for protection."

With that she turns on her heels and stalks out. My pa winces at me.

"Your mother, son, is a force not to be tested." I chuckle in agreement.

Remembering my brother, I quickly look back at my phone, he's already hung up. Shrugging, both of us walk out of the office and quietly downstairs, I can hear ma talking to Astrid about the hospital gently. Sighing, I open the front door and walk towards the club house.

Now I've got to pick two idiots to do the job I should be doing. I hate my fucking life.

"Church now!" I roar at all my men, letting my bad fucking mood be known to all of them.

As they all file into the specially designed soundproof room, I think of which of the men I would trust with my life. Only those get to watch over Astrid.

The two men become obviously clear to me. Viper and Mouse, we were raised together in the club. At 16 we decided that all our nicknames would be animals, for a joke if anything. But also because I would inherit my father's name of Bear and we wanted to be a team.

Mouse's name is ironic and a bit of a joke given the he is just below my height and, although I definitely wouldn't admit it, is stronger than me. He's more of a gentle giant than anything else, but fiercely protective of those he loves. Astrid would be safe with him.

Viper is my Vice Presidential, I'd trust him with my life, he's already taken a liking to Astrid and she knows him a bit. The choice of men is obvious.

I pull them to the side and express vividly how important Astrid and Liam are to me and the club. They nod seriously and I dismiss them before I go to hold church.

They better see her right.

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