Part 36- Vidar

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Astrid is snoring lightly beside me, I'm unable to sleep- instead I'm gazing at my beautiful fiancée. I want the wedding soon, as soon as possible.

AAstrid sighs deeply and shifts her bottom deeper into my groin. I freeze. It's been a long time for me, and her sexy little body isn't making this any easier. We still have weeks until the all clear, and I'm frightened that even then I may hurt her. She's only tiny, small to anyone, let alone to me.

Clenching my jaw, I let my hand run up and down her exposed side. My fingers tracing the dips and curves of her hip and waist. They drift down over her still distended stomach, I rub gentle circles over her tummy- keeping away from her scar for the time being. Once it's healed and no longer causes her pain, I will show just how beautiful that line is.

Astrid moans lightly at my ministrations. I pause, not wanting her to wake up. It's too late. Her hypnotic, stormy eyes are gazing up at my face. I wince.

"Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Can't you sleep V? Her voice is hoarse and dusted with sleep.

"Not at the moment, my heart. My brain is awake." She frowns and shifts her weight onto one side as her other hand reaches up to caress my face. They tickle and run through my beard, I groan and lean my head back on the pillow.

"I've been thinking V..." She pauses before continuing her thought, "I want my parents to know about me, that I'm safe. With you. And that we want to get married. I don't want to not know them again."

I frown as I listen, understanding her logic, but also worried about what their judgement would do to her.

"What about the babies? They took your sister's."

"She was 16, with no money and nowhere to go. She had no choice, they were her legal guardians and she had no support. I'm 20, with a place to live regardless of them. A home with you."

I smile, knowing that's true. They can't take our babies, she's a legal adult with a home to go to.

"I can get Hacker to book the flight for the next few days if you want?"

I feel her head nod, and her hand begins to stroke over my cheek and the light scar running across it. Her breath returns to a steadier, more sleepy state and her fingers soothe me to sleep.

Eira wakes us every two hours for her feed, she's no longer in with Liam, but with us instead as every cry she made, Liam replied tenfold. I get up each time and carry the hungry baby to her mummy.

Sometimes Astrid's arms are too tired to hold her for her 20 minute feed, so I sit behind her and hold Eira in position so Astrid doesn't over exert herself after the surgery.

I always wanted intimacy in my relationship, there is nothing more intimate than holding my daughter as my woman nourishes her from her body.

I don't even mind the sleep deprivation that comes with Eira.

Every moment is a gift.


Once the morning light kisses the light muslin curtains, I leave Astrid dozing lightly, her hand stretched out into Eira's crib. Liam is awake in his nursery, kicking his little diapered legs in the air. He burbles and chatters as I walk into the room. Scooping him up, I place him on the changing table and clean him up, ready for the day.

Leaving my two girls sleeping soundly, a phone with my number close to Astrid's hand, I walk out into the winter chill of morning with Liam bundled up in all the layers Astrid bought for him.

The clubhouse door is unlocked, the bar deserted save for one passed out prospect. Liam giggles at nothing in particular and chews on his gooey hand, he's still teething so the drool from him is copious and unending.

Hacker's door is closed, but there's a glow from his computer already. Hacker monitors all of our businesses in town as well as our arms dealings. There's a reason I pay him the most for his services.

Knocking on the door, I open it and find Hacker facing his computer and typing rapidly.

Liam makes his presence in my arms known, as well as our presence in his room. He squeals at the unusual lights and the sight of a new face. It makes Hacker jump out of his skin at the chortling baby noises. He removes his headphones and winces.

"Sorry pres, didn't hear you come in."

"No worries Hack, you were very focussed."

He stands from his desk and grins at Liam, a little uneasily admittedly- but then he's not too good with people hence his knack for computers.

"I need you to book a flight for Astrid and myself as well as the babies. Astrid wants to see her parents, for closure."

I expect him to tell me he'll get right on it, instead he splutters with laughter.

"You are taking a newborn and a 1 year old on a seven hour flight? Are you insane?"

He clutches at his stomach and continues to chortle at the apparent absurdity. Rolling my eyes at him, I turn on my heels, throwing a brief 'thanks' over my shoulder. Just as I head down the stairs, my phone buzzes as Astrid or my baby calls my phone.

Answering it, I hear her nervous voice call down the phone. "V? Where are you?"

"I'll be right back, baby. I was asking Hacker to book us a flight."

"Oh s-sorry I shouldn't have called."

I'm still walking back to the cabin, with Liam in my arms, chewing on his fingers. I'm only 20 meters away from my cabin but the distance feels too far.

"It's fine, I just didn't want to wake you while you were sleeping so heavily."

"Oh..." Astrid mumbles through a yawn and a light cooing from my daughter.

"I'm just at the door, baby." I say down the phone and hang up as I reach the wooden steps to my home.

I open the cabin door and find both my girls standing in the kitchen as Astrid sings a lullaby to Eira.

My arms open wide and pull my family into my arms. Astrid rests her head on my chest, Eira curled up into her chest. Liam leans into my neck.

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