Part 31- Astrid

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As Vidar carries Liam and I into the bar, the sounds of cheering and whooping fill my ears. I wanted to just walk in, we would already be the centre of attention, but Vidar flat out refused.

"I'm carrying you both from the gate to the bar- like the last time." Is what he replied flatly, that man really loves his nostalgia.

A huge banner hangs from behind the bar emblazoned with 'congratulations!' across it in big, gold letters. All the faces crowd in front of me as Vidar places me on my feet. I take a nervous step backwards so I can find Vidar's hard, protective chest there to steady me.

"Easy boys!" Vidar yells as he places a hand on my shoulder to soothe me. "I'll make sure she meets you all, so back the fuck off."

I try not to flinch at his leader tone, I know there is this side of him, and I don't want to change that, but it's still going to take some adjustment.

Mouse walks over to us with his head cocked into a smile- directed at Liam of course. "There's my nephew." He coos. "How're those gums feeling little Warrior?"

Liam is taken from my arms after a questioning look from Mouse, and carried  over to a booth where Mouse is obviously sitting. I feel a pang at his absence but Mouse loves Liam too much to warrant much jealousy from me.

"You ready to meet my brothers then baby?" Vidar checks quietly in my ear. I hum in agreement and let my hands drop to my swollen stomach. I need to get this done relatively quickly, my ankles, feet and body are already aching from the sheer amount of walking I've done today. But I don't want to disappoint Vidar so I'll stick it out.

Before I can meet anyone new, Lila pounces on me, squealing in delight, her husband following in a refined manner a few steps behind.

"Oh Astrid, sweetie. I'm so pleased for you both. I've finally got the daughter I never had, and two grandchildren already." Her voice is rising higher and higher in excitement until Erik drops a firm hand onto her shoulder to steady her.

She blushes and murmurs her apologise before darting off with her husband.

Viper walks towards us with a glass of whiskey in hand. "Missed you pres, been all holed up with this pretty lady." He slaps Vi on the shoulder and then politely shakes my hand.

Another man walks over to our little group and politely nods his head at me. I smile sweetly at him and he introduces himself as Dagger, a rather strange, violent name but apparently not that odd at the club.

"Where's Liam then?" Viper asks, intrigued as Dagger slinks back over to the bar.

"Oh, he's with Uncle Mouse at the moment."

He sucks on his teeth jokingly, "Poor kid. And the next one, when's it coming?"

Vidar rolls his eyes and pulls an arm around my hip. "You'll have to excuse Viper, as you can see he's not great with children. She will be coming within a month. Astrid, however, thinks it will be sooner." His face swells with pride as he begins to stroke the side of my hip and belly.

"Wait? How can you tell?" I giggle slightly awkwardly at his question. Vidar clears his throat awkwardly and taps the side of his nose.

"When you're pregnant you can just tell sometimes. Plus my ankles are swelling like they did right before Liam came." I explain kindly to Viper.

I wince slightly when I realise I've mentioned my growing discomfort. Now Vidar is going to go all caveman and alpha male on me, I doubt he'll let me meet the rest of his brothers. Vidar's keen eyes look down at my visibly swollen and angry ankles.

He growls lowly before lifting me from the floor.

"No no Vidar I'm fine. Please don't take me away."

"Baby I don't control you, I'm not about to take you home regardless of what you want. If you're tired we can go home, if you're ok then we can go and sit in one of the booths and you can rest."

"The booth option please." I whisper into his ear, lightly brushing my lips against his lobe. Smirking when I feel his shudder, I tap his shoulder, telling him to move.

He carries me to an emptyish booth. A man I am yet to properly meet is slumped in one corner, brooding lowly as he nurses his glass.

Even though we have never spoken and I don't even know his name, his face is one I will forever be grateful for. This man broke down the door to my cell with Vidar. This man is a saviour of mine.

"Astrid this is Bolt."

I smile feebly at the terrifying, menacing man and hold out my hand for him to shake should he wish. He stares at it warily and cautiously reaches his tattooed hand out towards me. I take it and shake it gingerly. Then I notice his split and bruised knuckles.

"What happened?" I gasp and pull his hand for closer inspection. He yanks his hand free and pulls it back over to his side of the table.

"Finn." Is his only response before he stands and walks away. I bite my lip and lower my eyes down to the varnished wood.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset him, I just could help it... my hormones are..."

"It's ok baby, you didn't do anything wrong. Bolt isn't a big fan of touch, I'm surprised he let you shake his hand at all."

I blink and clear the tears from my eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, he must like you, baby." He wipes away my tears, stupid hormones. "You had enough for today baby? You seem a bit tired."

I nod my head reluctantly, I don't want to admit it, but it's true. My back is burning and my head is throbbing with a headache. I just want a bath, foot rubs and sleep. Oh and maybe my sexy fiancé.

"Yes I'm tired, but-" I halt his hands from scooping me up- "I'm walking out of here Mr Caveman."

He groans but agrees, he insists on having his hands tightly around my middle as we walk to steal Liam from Mouse.

I'm a very lucky woman to have found such a caring fiancé.

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