Part 44- Vidar

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"V." She gasps breathlessly as I gently lay her on our bed. "We-we can't." She repeats once again, I'm fully aware that she has not been cleared for sex yet, it has only been 5 or so weeks since her surgery. But, the thing is, I don't care. My wife is not passing her wedding night without gasps of pleasure- that I will be sure of.

"My heart, as I already told you, there are other things we can do."

I sit at the foot of the bed, and just take in my beautiful bride, her dark hair spread around her head like a halo, her chest heaving in anticipation and her lips parted in expectation.

Grabbing her ankle in one hand, I lift her leg up to my lips, then, with light fingers, I undo her shoe. I let the shoe fall and begin kissing from her ankle up her calf. Delicately, I place it back on the bed and repeat the action on the other side. At one point my beard tickles her foot causing her to giggle and squirm.

"Is this ok?" I check with her as I grab the hem of her skirt. She nods and reaches down to lift it up herself.

"Bit eager are we baby?" I tease as my hands caress her legs, rising higher with every passing second. She lets out a low groan as the anticipation of where I'm heading gets too much for her. The skirt is now bunched up against her waist, her white lacy panties on display for me to take in, a small wet spot is situated in the centre which sends a bolt of desire down my body.

Crouching down, I carefully position my body between her legs and kiss up her inner thigh lightly, Astrid throws her head back and whimpers in pleasure.

"Baby please..." She pleads, the sounds of her begging for me go straight to my cock which is straining to escape. Her begging sates my more primal desires, I like her at my mercy.

My fingertips trace the outline of the lace and her hips buck against the contact. With a firm hand I hold her hips down before continuing my teasing. Finally, I reach the waistband of the panties and let my fingers dip beneath the fabric, as I start to pull them down, I lift my head back to look up at Astrid.

Our eyes meet as she is staring down at me, biting her lip nervously.

"Is this still ok baby? You tell me if it's not."

She gasps as my fingers continue to descend towards her core. "I-it's ok."

After her verbal confirmation, I rip the panties from her body and throw the tattered lace over my shoulder. "V! Those were expensive."

I don't even bother to reply, so entranced by her beautiful body am I that word formation has left my brain. Astrid looks down at me again, her face edged with worry and self conscious lust. In many I can understand her fear, no one has seen her in such a vulnerable, intimate way, her body has been stolen and used so she's never felt empowered in her bareness, and she's carried two children. All in all, her fears have been caused by a patriarchal society that can't value natural beauty in all its splendour. I intend to change her fears.  Show her every inch of her body is perfect.

Dipping down, I gently kiss both sides of her inner thighs before placing a kiss directly on her trembling core. Such a brief action causes a huge reaction for Astrid, once again her hips buck up against my planted hands.

"Baby, if you want this, you're going to need to learn to hold still."

My voice is teasing and low, akin to that of a feral growl. As I speak, my index finger dips between her and traces from her entrance before hovering over her clit. Her face is screwed up as she desperately tries to hold still against my attentions.

Finally, I've reached my limit with teasing her delightfully pure body. It's Astrid's turn to find pleasure. I no longer hold back as I bury my face between her thighs, I lift her legs over my shoulders to make room for me. Her head is thrown back against the pillows in a silent moan as I begin to give her clit the attention it's been burning for.

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