Part 41- Astrid

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I wake from my unintentional nap as the bath water starts to chill. Liam's laughter floats up to my ears from downstairs, sighing, I begin the difficult task of standing from the bath. My legs feel unsteady and weak, suddenly feeling very vulnerable, I call out to Vidar as loud as my trembling voice will let me.

The world starts spinning and the room is too hot. I can't breathe. I feel myself teetering forwards. I slip over the edge and expect to hit the floor. Instead I find myself in Vidar's arms as he wildly checks my body for injuries.

"I'm ok V." I mumble breathlessly. "I just got a bit hot and bothered. Honest."

The worry doesn't leave his face and he presses his cooling palm against my forehead.

"Why do I ever leave you my heart?" He murmurs as if to himself and I practically melt with his sweetness.

"I don't know, I don't know. All I know is that we are better together."

Vidar nods as he lifts my legs over the edge of the bathtub and set my feet down on the floor. The moment is tender as he runs his fingers over my arms and down my sides.

It's at this moment I realise I am in fact naked and every inch of me is pressed up against him. Blushing, I clear my throat and point to my soaking wet, naked body.

I'm met with a sinfully cheeky smirk from Vidar as he takes in my body with dark, eager eyes. Reluctantly, he pulls out a towel for me to use and then carries me through to our bedroom. The devotion that Vidar heaps onto me everyday leaves my heart both aching and full.

I honestly can't remember the last time I walked somewhere, not that I should complain. There's something about being carried around by a man who loves you that just makes my heart feel weak.

Vidar gently dries my body with the towel, ignoring my protests that I can do it myself, before grabbing a pair of my pyjamas and leaving them beside me.

As I pull them on, Vidar takes off his soaking wet jeans and T-shirt and pulls on a pair of drool worthy grey sweatpants and a simple black T-shirt.

"Your sister came round when you were asleep."

"She did?"

"She's downstairs with Liam and Eira as we speak." His voice dims slightly to a deeper hush, "Hacker hasn't found anything yet but he's only just begun."

I can't help but feel disappointment at the lack of immediate success for Dot, but I know that rationally it's just the beginning of the search.

As we walk down the hall, hand in hand, Vidar tells me there's a casserole heating up for us all downstairs curtesy of his mother.

"God I love your ma V." I exclaim as I think about how much I owe that woman. "Can we go see her tomorrow with the babies please?"

Vidar winces slightly at my question as we walk into the kitchen. "I need to do some work for a couple of hours tomorrow, Viper and Mouse have been taking over most of it for me, but they can't do it forever."

He looks at me with terrified eyes, like he thinks I'm going to be furious with him. I'm a little disappointed of course, but we can't spend every second together or we will start to drive each other mad.

"It's ok baby. I'm not mad, I understand."

Just to prove I'm not hurt, I let my hand stroke his hair and he groans at the sensation.

"I could take you round to their house, you spend a few hours with my ma and then when I'm done I'll pick you up?"

"Perfect." I lean in and peck his lips before walking into the suiting room to find my sister with Liam in her lap, and Eira in her arms. She's flicking through the children's section of Netflix and Liam is staring at the passing colours with utter fascination.

"Shall we watch the pretty fishies, Liam?" My sister asks as she pauses on Finding Nemo. Liam chortles and lets a big glob of drool roll from his mouth.

"I'll take that as a yes then." She presses play on the film and turns the volume to fairly low so as to not startle the babies.

Even though Liam won't follow the film, colours are a good stimulus for a baby's development so a bit of tv every now and then won't harm him, especially if he's socialising with someone whilst doing it.

Doretha finally realises I'm standing there and jumps guiltily.

"I'm sorry! I'll turn it off. I shouldn't have assumed. I-I."

"Dot, it's all fine. You're fine. Liam will like to see the pretty fish. We always loved this film, remember?" She nods nostalgically before moving her feet over slightly so I can sit on the sofa with her.

After a while with clatters appearing from the kitchen, Vidar appears in front of us with two bowls of steaming casserole, he hands one to me, then takes Eira from Dot, before handing her her's. She takes it warily, as if surprised she was included in our meal time.

Vidar wanders over to the other seat and ignores the film and the rest of us as he talks to his daughter as if they've known each other forever, as if she can contribute to the conversation.

About halfway through the film, Vidar takes Eira up to bed, then Liam 5 minutes laters. Dot and I continue to watch the film, enjoying the comforting memories that come with the film of our childhood. However, not long after, Doretha's head begins to nod and I realise she's drifted off to sleep.

I switch off the film and stand from the sofa, lightly stretching out my tighter joints. Grabbing the fur blanket I used all those months ago, I tuck her up under it. She sighs contentedly before falling deeper into sleep.

Turning off the remaining downstairs lights, I leave my sister to rest.

Vidar is waiting for me on our bed with his arms open wide for me to collapse into. I don't know why I do, but I burst into tears. Finally letting the emotions of the past few days flow through me and escape in great juddering sobs.

He never judges my tears, just rubs my back in gently, loving strokes and occasionally whispering sweet words into my dark hair.

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