Part 25- Astrid

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Did we really just do that? Why would a man as hot as Vidar want a girl like me? He's tall, muscled with a face sculpted by a God and a heart as pure as they come. Me, I'm small and scrawny, covered in scars and stretch marks.

My chest is covered in spidery veins from pregnancy and my stomach has stretch marks scrawled across it. I know I should love my body... but it's hard to see myself as beautiful.

Vidar's arms tighten around me as he carries me to our room. My legs haven't stopped shaking yet and I'm giggling into his chest.

"What's funny?" I immediately feel guilty for laughing, it's just unbelievable that he would want me.

"I just... can't believe that you! Would want me." I press my face into his neck, suddenly feeling very self conscious.

"Want you?" He sounds incredulous, he places me on the bed and kneels before me. "Astrid, my heart, you are my soul mate. I don't want you, you are a part of me." He leans forward and presses his forehead against mine, dark eyes staring desperately into mine. "You're so beautiful, my heart, so strong, so brave and so special."

I start to cry. I've never been told anything like this before. Never thought anything about myself like this. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck, my salty tears drop down between us, Vidar's lips brush across my cheeks as he kisses away the tears.

"Never forget I love you ok?"

I nod and grin, my life is finally whole and complete. But I'm tired now, I flip heavily onto his hard body. His laugh is soft and soothing as he moves us to lay back on the pillow. We position ourselves so my bump is not crushed or constricted.

Sighing and within seconds I'm deep in the world of dreams, and I am not stalked by nightmares.

When I wake, the bed is still warm from Vidar, but he is gone. Sighing, I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I didn't sleep well, my bladder was constantly screaming at me meaning I never entered into deep sleep.

I would have liked to wake with Vidar, but his words are still making me blush so I shouldn't complain. He'll have a reason to have left me without a goodbye kiss.

Glancing over at Liam's cot, I jump when I realise it's empty. Calm down. Vidar will have taken him. That's all. Relaxing myself, I stand from the bed and pad across the soft carpet towards the en-suite toilet. Say what you want but these bikers live in style.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I wash my face and turn on the shower. Washing was a rare luxury for me before, and now I'm addicted to the feeling of my clean skin. You don't realise how much you miss something until it's gone.

My hair could seriously do with a cut, it's straggly and the ends are knotted and dry. I'll have to ask Lila if there's anyway that's possible for me.

It's been a while since I've had such a long time with my thoughts, without Liam or Vidar or Lila checking on me.

It's nice.

This peace.

Slowly, I sink down onto the floor of the shower and let the water run over my body, soothing the aching cold deep in my bones. I also couldn't attempt shaving my legs whilst standing and as pregnant as I am. There is something about shaving your legs after you haven't for a while, I can't wait to have them smooth again. God I almost feel conceited and vain, but it's so freeing. So exhilarating.

After spending far too long in the shower, I guiltily switch the water off and cautiously stand from the floor. I step out into the condensation filled room and wrap my body in a towel, but I must have moved too fast. Or the shower was too hot... as I feel my head fill with dizziness and my knees give out.

My instincts take over and I place my hands before me, bracing before the impact of the rest of my body.

I call out until my voice grows hoarse and my head feels groggy with exhaustion.

Weakly, I rest my head on the cold, tiled floor as I hear footsteps jogging up the stairs.

"Girlie? You alright up here?" He calls from the doorway to the bedroom.

"M-mouse..." I groan hoarsely, "...hurts."

My eyes blur and I only catch snap shots of my surroundings as I feel my body lift from the floor.

"Can you open your eyes for me girlie?"

"Hard..." I murmur as my head rolls back on my neck. A soft hand is there to catch it and I'm pulled up and wrapped in a blanket.

"The ambulance is coming girlie, Lila has called it."

"V-Vidar." I whisper, too quietly for mouse to hear, or so I thought.

"We're fetching him, he'll be here."

His voice fades and muffles and the silence rings in my ears.

"I'm here baby, I'm here..."

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