Part 37- Astrid

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After three hours of Liam screaming on the plane and receiving dirty looks from every passenger on the flight, he quiets down.  

To complete my embarrassment and total mortification Eira decides to wake from her latest milk induced coma and begins to scream blue murder.

It seemed she felt that after the hours of peace from her, it was her turn to reek havoc after Liam gave up. She is clearly upset at being uprooted and wants to announce it to anyone who will listen, willingly or not.

Before we left this morning I called ahead to the number Hacker found belonging to my sister. I felt it was best not to just show up unannounced, I have been missing for almost four years.

I told her we were coming and to not tell my parents, not so that I can surprise them but because I'm honestly scared of what they may do if they hear I'm returning- and not alone.

The reaction of my sister made me realise just how much I had missed her. She wept in joy at the realisation her sister wasn't in fact dead and lost somewhere in the world. I'll admit I cried into Vidar's chest along with her.

"My heart?" Vidar calls to me after quieting Eira down with a special knack he posses, one that I am yet to discover.

"You do realise your parents probably won't approve of me, don't you."

I swallow, worrying about hurting his feelings, but I know it to be true. There was a reason I was Miss innocent before I was taken, I wasn't allowed to even look at boys.

Even the posh private school lads that most parents would approve of, secretly my least favourite. They are always rude and never what I wanted in life. Although I didn't realise it at 16, I needed something I would never have looked for, had I not driven straight into it.

Vidar was my other half, I didn't care if my parents approved or not- they would never feel my love for him.

"I realise that. But I don't care. I lived with their judgement for 17 years and I know that they wouldn't approve of anyone, so it's not personal to you. I hope you don't mind it though. They will be unpleasant."

He leans over, careful not to upset Eira and presses his lips onto my cheek.

"I can handle it baby, and it's only for an afternoon and I'm a big boy."

He winks at me and flexes his muscles under his shirt. His playful nature is something that I love about Vidar in a truly pure way, the way he can always make me smile is something special.

Liam has had enough of the picture book I've been distracting him with for the past half an hour and he begins to grizzle again.

Hurriedly, not wanting to risk another screaming fit, I get out some baby biscuits for him to eat. The success of his silence is short lived as he ultimately decides that unloading the contents of his stomach all over Vidar and Eira is the right decision to make this flight truly perfect.

Staring at my fiancé and daughter covered in my son's vomit is too much for the still hormonal me, and I promptly burst into tears.


When we land, Vidar takes the executive decision to utilise that fact that my parents are not expecting us, meaning we can stop in at the hotel and clear the remaining stink of baby vomit from our clothes.

Whilst cleaning up Eira in the plane toilet, she decided to place the cherry on the cake, and vomited all over me. Honestly, motherhood is not easy. I now stink of soured milk so I was only too grateful for Vidar's idea.

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