Part 47- Astrid

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It's as if those words snap the self restraint that Vidar has himself on because I find my arms pinned above my head by my wrists.

"Vi!" I'm so surprised by his dominance and so very very turned on- not that I'd ever tell him that.

He grins darkly up at me as he kisses his way down my cleavage and over my stretch mark traced stomach until he reaches my core and pauses with a smirk.

"Let's get you ready baby."

Oh my god.

He presses his face into my sex as I moan and write at the feeling of his breath on me. He kisses the sensitive skin on the inside of my thigh, but he doesn't give me what I want.

Whining, I wind my hands into his hair and push his face where I want him as I buck my hips up greedily beneath him.

Finally, Vidar gives my clit a hard suck that has my eyes rolling back in my head as I clutch the sheets and try to stifle a moan.

"Kids are out kitten, let me hear you."

So I do, I remove my lip from my teeth and let out another loud moan as he gently presses a finger into me, he curls it and nudges against something that causes my legs to shake. Vidar chuckles against my clit and the vibrations nearly finish me.

"Fuck don't do that again."

I realise as soon as I've said it, it's not what Vidar wants to hear. He removes his finger almost immediately and I whine at the loss of such delicious pressure.

"Why not kitten?" He presses another kiss to me before humming against me until I feel my stomach clenching in promise of more pleasure. "Does it make you feel good?"

"Yes yes!" I groan out, desperate to reach the finish that's calling to me.

My confession earns me the return of his magic fingers only this time I feel two nudging at my entrance and curling in my body until I'm bucking my hips, grinding against my husband's face.

Finally the coiled rope breaks and intense waves pulse through my body. Vidar gently draws out my climax until the ending occurs and I immediately miss the contact and intimacy of Vidar giving me pleasure.

But I want more... I need more.

Vidar pulls back up my body and I miss the contact of his body as he shifts to his knees to grab and open the condom.

We both decided that the risk of pregnancy was not what we wanted to deal with right now. We haven't discussed having more children, but we know we aren't ready and more importantly, my body isn't ready.

My legs are gently nudged apart and Vidar settles between them. He gives me an easy smile that helps me to feel more relaxed, it's ridiculous. I've been through so much and Vidar has seen me in far more embarrassing and intimate situations and yet I still feel nervous.

"Breathe baby, I won't let it hurt you, I promise."

"I know." I murmur breathlessly as I bite my lip in excitement. "I know you'll never hurt me."

He takes a deep breath and clenches his jaw as he grinds against my wetness, I moan as he lets out a groan. I feel proud that I can make him feel like that.

Then the pressure starts and I grin up at the sight of my Vidar.

He pushes into me gently, so gently and so slowly. It doesn't hurt but it does feel like pressure after a few gentle rolling thrusts, we find ourselves completely connected and linked. Nothing separates us, not our hearts, our bodies, even our souls are bound together.

I probably realise I sound like a romantic fool but it's the one thing that wasn't taken from me. I'm a romantic and I always will be and now I've found a man who is as romantic as I am.

"I'm going to start moving now kitten, unless you're not ready."

"I-I'm ready Vi."

He beams down at me and I feel him shift inside me. I can't help the gasp of pleasure that escapes me. Everything this man does feels good.

Thrust after thrust rocks my body and my moans fill the room along with pants from both parties.

"Fuuucckkk I love you so much baby."

Vidar begins to speed up and the pressure becomes so overwhelming that my hands find his back. My nails dig into his back but he doesn't seem to mind. If anything it spurs him on, while his movements are still painless, they are far more frantic and I can feel that blinding pleasure burning through my abdomen once again.

"You still feeling good kitten?"

I'm beyond words, so lost in the feeling of his body in mine that I can only nod in reassurance.

With a gasp, the pressure within me coaxes me over the edge and this time when I fall off the cliff, Vidar falls with me.

He collapses against my body but makes sure to hold his weight off my body. His face is buried in my neck as we both pant in together.

"I love you so much it hurts my darling."

"I love you too Vi." I start to stroke his hair and another low groan dissipates from Vidar, it's different than before. It's contentment, pure and simple. Like a cat purring.

"I love you too Vi."

He pulls away from my neck and moves off my body, he lays to the side of me and pulls the covers over my body to keep me warm. It's the simple things really.

We nestle together and I find my sleeping place almost instantly, we fit together like puzzle pieces. His hand traces up and down my arm, caressing and soothing my skin until I feel dozy with love, completion and pleasure.

"Thank you my darling." Vidar's voice is hoarse with emotion but I still can't work out why he's saying thank you.

"What for Vi?"

"Thank you... for loving me, for letting me have the family I've already dreamed of, for letting me spend my life with you. Thank you. Thank you for the world."

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