Part 40- Vidar

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Doretha is a strange creature, the only time she comes alive is when she's holding one of the babies. I've got her set up in the cabin nearest to ours that was free, Viper is her neighbour for the time being.

I've also got Hacker to set her up with a phone so she can call her sister or anyone from the club if she's in trouble or needs something.

She rarely speaks, it's like she has disappeared inside herself, I know it upsets Astrid to see her sister so reduced.

She's laying on our bed when I walk into our room, she's been feeling a bit run down so I encouraged her to get some sleep, she seems to have listened. Eira and Liam are sleeping in their respective cots- the plane and all the driving has left them completely out of it.

Right now I need to treat my soon to be wife, I start to run a bath with a rose scented bubble bath I bought for her. Then I light some tea lights and dots them around the base of the bath. Earlier I sent a prospect out for a bunch of red roses and rose petals. The petals I pour into the almost complete bath, the bunch I take in my hand and walk to wake her up.

Stroking her cheek, I kneel down to eye level. "Astrid baby, wake up for me." She groans and rolls away from me, chuckling at her cute antics, I pull her back round to face me. Her eyes flicker open and then widen in happiness when she sees me.

"Mmmm hi baby."

She reaches her arms up and makes grabby hands, my heart soars at her cute clinginess. I lean down and pull her into my arms, carrying her to the bathroom her breathing slows down again and her head bumps on my chest. Her body is absolutely exhausted with breastfeeding, recovering from major surgery and looking after two children under the age of a year.

No wonder she's falling asleep in my arms.

"Astrid, baby, look."

Her eyes flicker open in the candlelight and a smile graces her face. "V, what's all this?"

"It's for you, my heart. You have a nice bath, I'll handle Liam and Eira for a while."

She smiles sleepily as I set her feet onto the carpeted floor. Reaching down, I lift the hem of my T-shirt she's wearing, but her hand grips my wrist and stopping my movement.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to-to see me... I'm ugly."

My heart breaks at her words, I've failed her as a fiancé, she should feel like the most beautiful woman in the world- all the time. She's so beautiful, so perfect, the mother of my children and the mended of my heart.

"Astrid, my heart. You're the strongest, most beautiful, sexy woman in the world. You're body is beautiful and strong, your body has bought our children into this world and I could not love an inch of you more."


Bending down, my lips brush across hers in a gentle, loving kiss. "Promise."

My hands return to the hem of my T-shirt and I pull it over her body. Her hands immediately go and cover her swollen breasts. I hold them from her body and kneel down in front of her, there's nothing sexual about this, it's pure loving.
I kiss along the stretch marks on her breast, taking time for each one, then my lips descend over her stomach and find the scar that bought my daughter into the world.

Astrid giggles as my beard tickles her skin. "I love you V." I pull her back into my arms bridal style before I lower her into the soothing warm water. She lets out a gasp and a moan as the water aches over her muscles.

"I love you even more now baby." She says with a playful, albeit sleepy grin. I give her one last kiss before I leave to check on the slumbering babies.

He's playing with the foot of a felt caterpillar that's woven between the bars of his cot. So engrossed is he that he remained unaware of my presence in the room until I stroke his little cheek. He jumps slightly but relaxes when he sees my face.

Bending down, I coo over him before carrying him to the changing table to prepare him for the pending evening. As soon as I finish tidying Liam up, Eira awakens and shrieks from either hunger or a dirty nappy. Carrying Liam through the hallway and into our room, Eira is grizzling with ferocity and kicking her legs in anger.

"Hello my little snowflake, papa's here now."

I pick her up and lay her against my chest, Liam on one, Eira the other. She calms down after a moment of me rocking them both, and begins to root around on my chest- searching for a nipple.

Chuckling at her adorable hunger, and walk out of the room to heat up a bottle for her. As I pass the bathroom, I glance in at Astrid and find her with her head tipped back, snoring lightly. Deciding to let her sleep for the time being, I tiptoe past the door.

Praying to Thor that neither Eira or Liam decide to make a noise, I take one last glance over at Astrid. They don't, so we make it successfully down the stairs without disturbing Astrid.

Setting Liam in his small, high chair like contraptions, I turn away from him and start to heat up some of Astrid's pumped breast milk for Eira. It's hard trying to multitask with two babies as I know within minutes that Liam will be screaming for his dinner, and then that will disrupt Eira from her feed. Panic starts to rise as I fear failing them.

My panic is cut short when I hear a tapping at the front door. Leaving Liam, after checking he's safely strapped in, I carry Eira over to the front door. To my surprise Doretha is standing before me, shifting her weight from foot to foot awkwardly.

"I'm s-sorry, I should just g-go, you're busy."

"No no, I'm not busy at all, if anything, I could use the help." Relief flushes over her face as I open the door wider, inviting her into our home.

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