Part 28- Vidar

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Two weeks have passed since Astrid's hospital visit and she's now become a pregnant demon. She's just uncomfortable and in pain and I don't blame her bad mood, however she has unleashed a temper on all of us that would melt the snows of winter.

Only my ma can survive any length of time with her without a nasty comment or a snarl of frustration. I bring her food, give her foot rubs, help her into a bath or two and occasionally if she's in the right mood, I give her cuddles.

Despite her irritation with me, we still sleep in each other's arms at night. Astrid's stomach is always pressed against mine, meaning I can feel every shift and kick my daughter makes in my woman.

My little Eira is clearly ready to come out even if she's still a couple of weeks away from her due date. I made Astrid promise me that it was normal and that Eira wouldn't be hurt.

"Vidar!" Astrid hollers from upstairs, I wince and begin to walk towards her calls. Then I hear her tone change, she's not angry with me, she just wants me.

I run up the stairs quickly, Liam is spending the day with my ma and pa as I want him to have a strong relationship with them.

I find her leaning over the side of the bath in a crouched position, she's whimpering and groaning in discomfort. I drop to my knees and stroke her back.

"What's wrong, baby."

"I feel so sick when I move Vi, and I wanted to be with you." She whines and I smile a little at the second half of her sentence.

"It's a little hot in here, how about we go downstairs and sit together? Sound good?"

"Yes. Yes please, would yo-" she goes to ask me to carry her, but I cut her off swiftly by scooping her up bridal style, holding her close to my heart.

"Let's watch a film together, yeah?" I question. "Have a bit of a date night together?"

"Really? You want to go on a date with me?"

"Of course I do. You heard what the doctor calls you, soon it will be official."

She grins and squeezes her eyes shut tightly as I carry her down the stairs. The motion is probably making her feel a little bit more nauseous.

The sitting room is warm from the log burner that's burning in the corner. The floor is scattered with Liam's toys from when we were playing earlier as Astrid napped. Her body seems to be preparing itself for the time to come, she's resting a lot more, and eating loads- when she's not feeling gross and nauseous.

Setting her down on the leather sofa she instantly pulls the fur blanket over her body. We always joke that she's not made for the Canadian climate.

"What date night food do you fancy?"

She looks at me as I feel her brain flicking through food options, every now and then she pause and then grimaces or retches.

"Lasagna?" She questions hopefully.

"Of course baby." I know how much she has been enjoying my lasagna during this last section of her pregnancy so I made them in bulk and froze them for her.

I hand her the tv remote so she can flick through Netflix and decide what to watch.

While she's occupied with that, I turn to the freezer and pull out a lasagna, setting it in the oven as I switch it on. It will be ready in about an hour, perfect.

Astrid has paused her flicking on the previews for Stranger Things. Her eyes are wide with intrigue and excitement.

"That one then baby?" I'd watched a few episodes but it was never much fun t watch it without sharing it with someone.

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