Part 35- Astrid

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"Mouse! Let Viper hold her for a minute."

Vidar has left for a week to fix the mess of a club his brother left behind over in Germany. So Mouse and Viper have moved in for my 'protection' but in reality they are just there to play with the babies.

Liam has crawled off behind the sofa, presumably hiding from the onslaught of attention Mouse gives him. Viper only wants to hold Eira, all the time, the poor little thing doesn't seem to mind it. I don't mind too much though, I probably should mind more if Vi hadn't filled me in that he lost his baby sister when he was just 12.

He's projecting that pent up love onto the baby that he can imagine as his sister, I just hope it brings him some comfort. However, Mouse gets pissy if Viper hogs her for too long. The last time that happened fists go involved.

"Mouse, you've held Eira for an hour, she needs her feed and then a nap."

Viper opens his mouth to protest but I hold up a hand to silence him.

"And then, Viper, you can hold her. Now I'm going to feed Eira and set her down for a nap. I'm going to nap as well. You can both watch Liam!"

My voice is stern and unarguable, I turn on my heels with Eira in my arms and take her into her nursery.

I feed Eira on the rocking chair Erik crafted for the room. It soothes both her and me. After I finish feeding her, I lay her gently down in her cot and make it to my room just before I collapse in tears.

Vidar has been gone 6 days, and I need him. My major surgery was only a few weeks ago, and he's left me with one baby and one newborn. I should be fuming and angry, but I'm not. I'm just hurt and lonely.

His side of the bed smells of him, and I curl up on it, a hoody of his wrapped around my body. It probably doesn't help that my hormones are raging with post baby-blues. Vidar's responsibility should have been to help me through this.

The tears keep falling, so hard and noise I bite down on my fist so as to not wake Eira or alert Mouse and Viper. This isn't fair. I want his arms around me, his hand around my waist, his lips on my cheek- but he's left me.

I must have cried myself to sleep because the next time I open my eyes, dusk was falling. An arm snakes around my waist and I shriek in surprise.

"It's ok baby. It's me. I'm here, I should never have left, I'm sorry."

Spinning around as fast as my post surgery body will allow me, I find my face pressed against a chest I know all to well.

"You- you left us." I choke out between sobs and sniffles. "I needed you."

"I'm an idiot I know, and I'm sorry."

I blink back my tears and look up into his dark brown eyes. Leaning up, I close the distance and his lips reach mine softly. I can taste a saltiness from my tears mingling with the taste of him.

"I love you, my heart. I'm sorry I left. Mouse gave me an earful and told me to get my sorry ass back home before he dragged me back."

"Wait! How long was I asleep for?"

"Not too long. I was on my way back before you fell asleep, Mouse could tell you were upset. Something about baby blues?" I punch his chest then, he's being insensitive.

He winces as he realises that, "Sorry baby. I should have researched more about you after the baby." He kisses all over my cheeks and I sigh into his touch, clutching at his chest.

"Never leave me again." I breathe against his lips.


I cling to him for as long as I can before we have to rescue the babies from the cuddle monsters.

"I think Eira and Liam will be relieved of  the break from those two downstairs."

He chuckles into my neck and lets his arms wrap around my body to lift me up and down the stairs. I'm only too relieved to be back in his arms again, the stairs didn't feel like the mountainous task they did when I was alone.

"Alright you two," Vidar calls out as he enters the room, "put down the babies and let me be with my family."

Mouse sniffs and grumbles as he hands over Eira to me.

"Wouldn't even be here in the first place without me." He sniffs as leaves the house.

"Thank you!" I call out to both of them as they leave, they helped me these last few days.

Vidar plonks me and Eira down on the sofa like a caveman before he hunts around the sitting room for the crawling, adventurous Liam. Once he finds him, he cries out in delight and Liam squeals in joy and cries out "papa". Both Vidar and I chuckle in joy as V holds Liam high above his head and kisses his round tummy.

We sit side by side as Liam sit up between us, slumped slightly against Vidar's stomach. Eira grizzles occasionally before settling down and drooling all over my top. I stroke the baby hairs from her forehead and Vidar reaches an arm over Liam to hold my spare arm.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too. But if you ever leave me again I will make you pay."

He grins ruefully at me with a cheeky smile.

"I love you my goddess."

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