Part 27- Astrid

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A steady beeping and a clinical smell wake me up from whatever dark corner of my mind I was residing in. My eyes fly open and I find myself in a hospital bed, hooked up to a machine and confused.

There's a warmth on my right hand, and when I look down I find someone holding it in theirs. Vidar. He's fallen asleep with his head leaning on his shoulder. It can't be very comfortable for him to be holding my hand like that, his own arm must be aching and stiff, so why hasn't he moved it?

With my thumb, I slowly stroke the inside of his calloused palm and watch has his eyes flick open to look at my face.

I smile slowly at him, he grins back at me.

"Hey..." I whisper, my voice a little hoarse.

"Hi baby, I'm just going to get the nurse ok?" I shake my head frantically as he tries to pull his hand free of mine. "Baby please."

"No! Don't leave me. Bad things always happen when you're gone!" My voice is stern and steady, but my heart is fitting and spluttering at the idea of him not being close to me.

"Ok." He sighs heavily and instead pulls out his phone, he begins to type something rapidly. Within a few moments a nurse and a doctor walk in. The doctor is a man, and I shrink slowly back towards Vidar.

It still takes me some adjustment to not fear men I don't know. The doctor smile sympathetically,like he understands about me.

Vidar squeezes my hand tightly and the doctor clears his throat to speak. I turn my attention respectfully to him.

"You have a concussion Miss Hansen."

I frown- that's not my last name, I look at Vidar with a confused expression. He looks down at the ground guilty and understanding clicks in my brain. A warm flush glimmers in my chest- that's his last name.

"It was caused following your... incident..." He looks distressed for me, maybe he's a nice one. "And you need to be very careful with what you do. Bed rest as soon as you leave please. Normally, I'd just advise being careful but you're pregnant and underweight so it's too much for your body to cope with at the moment."

"Why did I collapse though?" I ask boldly, with Vidar beside me I'm confident and protected.

"The heat from the shower can cause anyone to feel a bit light headed. For you, your body was overwhelmed. It was probably too physical... honestly lots of things you're dealing with could have caused a collapse."

I nod slowly, I should have stayed in bed. I shouldn't have tried to do anything. I'm so useless.

My thoughts are broken by the feeling of safe arms enveloping me.

"I'm sorry." Vidar whispers over and over again, I pull away. Puzzled I reach up and stroke away the stray tear that has fallen down his cheek.

"Why are you sorry? It was my fault."

He shakes his head and grips my right hand again, tighter in his grasp. "I should have taken you to the doctor or hospital. I was just so glad you were back with me, but I should. That's why you got hurt again. I'm so sorry I failed you."

"You didn't fail me." I'm crying now due to his guilt and pain, it causes my heart to break. The door is thrown open and Mouse walks in.

"How's about we agree it was no ones fault? Sound good girlie?" I nod as I brush away my tears, I feel a tinge of pain in my left wrist and I look down to find it wrapped in a bandage.

"You sprained it when you fell." Vidar explains to me, "but the baby was unharmed because of it. I should have been there for you."

Liam has obviously had enough of being with Mouse as he is pulling to get out of his arms. Mouse mocks offence and places my baby boy on the bed by my feet.

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