Part 46- Vidar

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"You're sure." I check once again, "I won't hurt you?"

Astrid chuckles at me and shifts her body so she's sitting on my lap with her legs draped over me.

"I promise baby, the doctor gave me the go ahead for gentle..." she pokes my chest playfully, "non strenuous sex." My trousers tighten instinctively and I look into her mischievous eyes.

"Gentle hmm." I tease and lift her up into my arms as I stand from the sofa. "That I believe I can do."

Astrid twists her body so her legs are wrapped around my hips, her core pressing against mine. Reluctantly, I gently lower her to the floor as I hear Eira stirring from her nap.

"She'll want feeding, Vi." Astrid explains and walks up the stairs ahead of me. I hold back and watch her behind swing deliciously as she walks. These kids better understand that their mother is mine tonight.

"Hello my little snowflake." Astrid coos over my Eira. "Does my baby want her mummy." She teases as she scoops her daughter up and settles herself down on her rocking chair.

"We all want you baby." I play as I lean nonchalantly against the doorframe and watch my wife feed our daughter.

Liam is dozing in his room, Maggie is sitting in there with him, she rarely leaves his side especially if he's crying.

"Vi... later I promise. I want all of you."

My mouth is left hanging open at her filthy words but before I can even react she turns her gaze back down to the chugging Eira.

Swallowing hard, I physically have to force myself to leave the room before I pull my daughter from my wife and show her just what I've been dreaming of doing for so many fucking months.

Luckily, after so many fucking months of waiting my self control is impeccable. I want my son so I go into his room and find his big grey eyes looking at me inquisitively.

Eira looks like me, her eyes are Hansen through and through and I love that. Liam has his mother's eyes but I can already see he is becoming a mini me as well, I'm a very lucky man.

"Hey my little warrior. You happy to see daddy?"

"Yes." His answer is slightly intelligible but I can just about hear his answer, Liam has been speaking more and more now and I know the time is coming when he won't shut up.

Not that I'd ever want him to do that.

Leaning over his cot, I wrap my arms around him and look down at him, in his little arms. His hands rest on my chest, his chin on my shoulder.

Bouncing gently,
I look at Liam and he gives me a slightly less gummy smile. The corners of three or four teeth have come through now and many more are making their presence known to Liam and to Astrid and I.

Liam grizzles slightly and I realise I've been so lost in thought I haven't been listening to his body language or baby talk. He's not in the mood to be held.

"Oh, oh my little warrior it's ok. Papa is putting you down now."

I set his chubby bottom down on the play floor and sit opposite him. He looks at me expectantly and starts to roll around on his back.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bear #1Where stories live. Discover now