Part 30- Vidar

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After another essentially sleepless night, Astrid and I decided we needed to get out for a bit.

First we were going to go shopping- both for Liam and for Astrid, I want to treat her to nice clothes and anything else she could want.

Then we are taking Liam into the clubhouse to meet the men- but only after Mouse and Viper have established that it was a safe zone for Astrid to enter into.

She is still entirely innocent in many ways and I didn't entirely want it to be shattered just yet.

"Do I look okay?" Astrid asks me softly from the bathroom, her tone is anxious and unsure. She still doubts her beauty and it pains me.

I turn my head to look at her and my jaw drops with slack shock! She looks so perfect. She's dressed in a warm knitted dress that my ma bought for her, it hugs her figure and bump perfectly. I love seeing that little bump on her, it makes my heart swell with pride and affection.

I clear my throat and pull my eyes away from the stunning vision of my soon to be fiancé.

"You look stunning baby. So beautiful- so, so beautiful it hurts."

A blush flushes her cheeks and she glances away. "T-thank you."

What makes her nervous disposition even better is that I'm going to propose to Astrid today- when we arrive back from shopping, by the gate where I found my perfect little family. She's going to meet all my brothers at our celebration- that is if she says yes.

"You ready to go then baby?" She nods and smooths out the nonexistent creases from her dress. I grab a huge coat and a scarf for Astrid and pick up Liam in his baby carrier. I plan on royally spoiling my family today.

We walk downstairs and Astrid swiftly bundles herself up in all the layers I brought for her. She really feels the cold.

"Is it just us going out today?"

"Yep just the three of us."

Her smile broadens and I pull my arms around her. "Shall we go then baby?"

"I can't wait."

We strap Liam safely into his car seat in the back of the car, but when Astrid goes to sit beside him I catch her hand and pull her gently towards the passenger seat.

It seems that with every interaction Astrid and I have, a light brush is going to dust her pale, freckle dusted cheeks. Another thing I love about her. She sits down in the passenger seat and I close the door. Once I'm sitting beside her I reach across the console and stroke her thigh.

"I love you, baby. And you're so beautiful."

"I love you too V." I smirk at the nickname she's started using for me, I love it.

I squeeze her thigh and then pull out of the drive. The journey is only 15 minutes but I still put on some music. Astrid beams over at me and then starts signing. For the second time today my jaw hits the floor. Her voice is soft and warbling, this song has never sounded better.

"I didn't know you could sing baby?"

"Yeah. I used to be in my school choir."

"Wow. Who knew my girlfriend was so talented." I deliberately called her my girlfriend so it would feel even better to call her my fiancé (fingers crossed) later today.

As we pull up to the shopping centre, I watch as Astrid's eyes grow wide. "I haven't been shopping in soooo long." She squeals so delightedly and I hate myself for not taking her sooner.

"Where shall we start then, baby?"

From the look on her face, it's going to be a long trip.


"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Astrid practically bounces along beside me as I'm ladened down with more bags than I thought possible. I'm just glad she had a wonderful day. After her life, she deserves a little joy.

"You're welcome baby. I wonder how Mouse is going to react to the puppets we got him for Liam!" We both chuckle and Liam joins in with a little baby gurgle.

"Have fun today?" I ask her, almost unable to hide my sneaky grin. The weight in my pocket is starting to feel heavy, I just hope she says yes.

For the whole drive back we play children's songs for Liam and Astrid sings as Liam coos along in some sort of rendition of the tune.

My heart is pounding in my chest as the compound grows closer. Once I decided today was the day I asked my mum to try and make it look a little special outside- I wanted this to be an engagement to remember. The sky was dusted pale pink as dusk closed in around the compound.

"Vidar?" Her little voice breaks me from my train of thought. "What's up out there?" She points to the gate which is illuminated with tiny fairy lights all around the tree line and along the fence. My ma has truly outdone herself with this. Astrid's slightly apprehensive and confused face fills me with happiness and a sense of perfection.

"I don't know, baby? Bit odd huh?"

I pull over instead of driving through the open gates. I can really feel Astrid's confusion rising. I leave the car and then walk around to Liam's door, pulling him from the car I hold up the little box for him to see. I press my finger to my lips in front of Liam and making a hushing sound. "It's a surprise- ok buddy?"

Liam responds with a gurgle which I assume is a pact of agreement.

By this point Astrid has left the car and is standing beside me tapping her foot. "What's going on V? What are you doing."

I turn and hand Liam over to Astrid, she turns around sighing, which is absolutely perfect for my plan. She's pointing out the trees and the 'pretty lights' to Liam. With a deep swallow, I drop down onto one knee and hold out the open box. Possibly this is a bit cliche, but I love it and I know Astrid will too.

Clearing my throat, I catch Astrid's attention and she spins around.

"V what are you doing?"

"Astrid, baby, from the minute I saw you in that snow I knew you were my soulmate. My other half. The woman I have been looking for my entire life. And more than that, you have brought my son and my daughter. My life is only completed with you. I love you, my heart. Will you marry me?"

Tears swim in her eyes and she clings tighter onto Liam.

"V, without you my life would have been nothing. A cold shadow of hell and I would have never known love. I love you for every ounce of kindness you give me. I love you every time you make Liam smile. I love you because you kiss me every time you leave a room. I love you because you are my heart, my other half, my soul. V, my darling, yes I will marry you."

I burst into tears along with Astrid as I stand from my knees and slip the ring onto her finger. She gasps as she takes in the beautiful ring. I can't keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks as I pull her and my son into my arms.I stroke Liam's little cheek before turning my chin down so I can lightly kiss her lips.

"I love you both so much." I whisper, with my face squished up against both Astrid's and Liam's.

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