Part 22- Vidar

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"Calm down Bror!" Bolt roars as he knocks me to the ground to stop me from swinging at Hacker.

"Nothing! You found nothing?" I boom as I attempt to shove Bolt off me, that's not going to work. Bolt's violence and tactical skills are the best in the club, it's why I send him on the most runs.

He protects the weapons like a feral lion. But more than that, Bolt is savage. Like something didn't quite click when he was born, like a link is missing. He got his name when he disjointed his father and tormentor with only a bolt cutter.

"Son, we'll find them." My pa tries to soothe me. "So they didn't leave a computer trail? Let's think back to a time without computers. Finn has no links that we wouldn't have heard from. Where would he know to go?"

"Our old compound." Dagger murmurs pensively, "he was still with us when we moved. He'll know it's deserted."

I've now kicked Bolt off me and I stand slowly. "We ride now. You take him alive, he's for Bolt." I watch as my 'interrogator's' eyes light up at the promise of an abuser for him to play with. He gnashes his teeth together and rolls his neck. That man is a damned psychopath, nothing will ever tame his fire.

The old compound is about an hours ride, if we take it leisurely, I plan to be there in 20 minutes. Every second that escapes us is potentially another second of pain for Astrid and Mouse. It's a risk I'm not going to take.

We stop about 100 yards before the compound so we can have the element of surprise, our bikes would be a warning before our attack.

"These men are no longer brother under our club. You make them pay. Alright men."

All of my men nod, I notice with dry humour that everyone has taken a healthy step away from Bolt, as he is caressing a filleting knife lovingly. Like one might treat a lover.

Viper is stood directly behind me, his hand falls heavily on my shoulder. "We'll get em' back bror. Unharmed and safe." He swears the last bit like a promise of a prayer.

I hold my hand up to signal the attention of the men, then let it drop swiftly. We advance towards the compound.


The battle barely began before the blood was soaking the ground. With the pathetic way we picked his men off, it was only too clear Finn was slacking with his training. My men are honed and deadly.

Within moment,  Bolt and I are kicking down the door to the basement. It's where they will be if my 'brother' has any sense left in him. We both hear the gunshot go off together and I race down the concrete stairs so fast, so desperate I almost break my neck.

We kick down the metal door together, the hinges rusting with disuse. My jaw hangs open in horror as the light floods the image of the cell.

Mouse is sat on the floor, chained to the wall. His mouth open in shock. Astrid is clutching a gun, blood splattering over her face and body, marring her pale skin. Liam is wailing on a metal bed, trembling and shocked into a scream.

And Finn, he is lying on the floor, twisting in anguish. His hands frantically clutching at his groin area as the blood pours from it.

"Holy fuck bror," Bolt curses, "she shot his dick off! Nice shooting momma bear." He addresses Astrid with a concerning look of sheer pride.

Astrid whips her head round as Bolt's voice finally startles her from her shock.

She sees me.

Her eyes soften in relief.

She waddles slowly towards me, shivering.

I walk towards her and haul her into my arms, she clutches at my T-shirt and hides her face in my neck.

"You came. You came for us."

"Always."  I murmur into her soaking wet hair. I leave Bolt to drag Finn from the cell. But before he deals with the pathetic, groaning man, he turns to Mouse.

Mouse's face is still etched in shock and awe at Astrid. We'll find out what happened later. Bolt rips his arms free of the manacles like a savage dog ripping innards from its dinner.

Mouse gasps in relief and stands a little shakily. From his upright position I can see the extent of his injuries, he's black and blue with flowering bruises covering his tattoos. He hisses and clutches at his ribs as he walks towards us.

He bends toward Astrid, who has turned her face to look at him. "Told ya we'd be fine, didn't I girlie." He smiles softly at her. "And who knew you were a badass little sis."

Both Astrid and I gasp. He claimed her as family. No matter what she will always have a place in the club from now and forever.

Liam is still grizzling on the bed, so Mouse walks towards him, his movements a little stiff and jerky from his hours spent on the floor. His arms envelop Liam in a safety hug. "You doing alright little rider?" He asks as Liam grips his finger. "Good strong grip, you're a president in the making."

Liam gurgles and giggles at Mouse before he hiccups and chucks his guts up all down the front of his blood soiled T-shirt.

He then shrieks in peals of evil laughter, completely unchanged by the whole incident.

It's time to take them home.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bear #1Where stories live. Discover now