Part 17- Astrid

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Light shines on my face, my eyes blur and ache. Confusion clouds throughout my body. Where am I? Where's Vidar? My surroundings become clearer, crisper.

My heart stops pumping as recognition clicks. He's found me. Oh dear God he's found me.

"You fucking bitch." I am grabbed and thrown to the floor roughly, I go to protect my stomach but find it far smaller.

I cry out at the first kick of the boots, curling up to protect myself. But it's futile. There are too many of them. All I can do is scream.


I scream even louder, begging them to stop.

I can feel someone shaking me, I jolt upwards and find myself drenched in sweat. "Astrid baby." A few seconds pass before my brain connects the voice to Vidar. I whimper and relax into his chest.

It was so real.

He's going to find me.

Liam breaks my sobs with his own, I freeze. Liam is crying. I look up at Vidar, who is looking down at me with a face of panic and terror, and smile.

"He's crying!" I exclaim joyously, "he feels safe here... with you." All my previous anguish is buried now under the relief of Liam. I stand from the bed and coo at Liam.

"Hi baby. Mummy's ok now. Look Liam, I'm ok." I scoop him up and begin to rock him.

A presence stands behind me, I take a step back into the warmth of Vidar and sigh softly. I feel his lips gently brush against my temple as we both look down at Liam who is drifting back to sleep.

Shifting my face slightly, I lean into the kisses. His lips carefully descend down my cheek and I whimper slightly in pleasure.

I place Liam back in his cot, tucking him in while Vidar's hands wind their way around my waist. Spinning around, I find my chest pressed against his, a hand gently strokes away the tears from my cheeks.

"I'm here Astrid. You're safe now and forever and I..."

I cut off his words by anxiously pressing my lips to his. He freezes for precisely a second, I begin to panic and pull away. I've never been kissed before so it's probably awful. Vidar's arms wind tighter around my body, hauling me to him, he kisses me back.

My body folds into his, safety and warmth fill my soul as he pulls me on top of him on the bed. All too soon my lungs are burning and I have to pull away. My forehead rests on his as I pant for air.

He doesn't push any further, doesn't go in for another kiss. I'm both relieved and disappointed. I feel like I've pushed myself enough for one night. Vidar laughs softly and pulls me into a hug on top of his chest, a blanket is pulled over our bodies.

"Get some rest baby."

And I do.


"Nooooo!" I grumble as I feel someone shifting me awake.

A deep chuckle fills my ears and I jolt my eyes open. I'm laying on Vidar's chest once again, his lips pressed to my forehead, hands caressing my back in long, sweeping strokes. I sigh contentedly and burrow my face deeper into the crook of his neck.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bear #1Where stories live. Discover now