Part 4- Vidar

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Viper crashes through the front door, gun outstretched, and roaring. The girl is still sleeping on the sofa and her little baby is dozing on my shoulder.

Liam, obviously, startles awake and begins to whimper in fear, but instead of cowering away from me at the noise and disruption he presses his little head under my chin.

He is almost hiding in the safety my proximity I seem to bring him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say to Viper in my fast adapting and improving baby voice, it's low and calming for Liam as well as having a playful edge so he doesn't detect my anger in my tone. My eyes however tell Viper I'm not impressed with his total disregard for my warning.

I can tell Viper is trying not to chuckle at his president telling him off in a baby voice- luckily he's smarter than he looks.

"Uhh I think I should be the one to fucking ask that!" He again uses a slightly rubbish baby voice for Liam, his scream startled Viper and I'm fairly certain he doesn't want a screaming baby to deal with.

"Language, please." I chastise him, pulling a silly face at Liam who is now looking up at me. "Is the bad man being naughty?" I tease Liam as he squeals in delight at my attention. His little fists clench and unclench in excitement as I pull faces to distract him from Viper's noise.

"Uhh dude? What's going on." Viper has finally had enough of trying to work out what's going on purely by observing- it's a confusing situation to have walked in on.

Clearing my throat, I break the circle of baby talk and answer him normally.

"Prospect called from the gate, said there was some sort of problem. I went down there and found that woman"- I point to the girl still unconscious and bundled up on the sofa-"and this baby there. All she wanted was a place to pull over to sleep, but the prospects got aggressive." I indicate her cheek. "She's frozen and hasn't woken yet, I don't know her name, she just got out his." I explain as I continue to jig Liam about.

"That's some fuuc-" I hit him with a death stare. "-fudged up stuff. What you gonna do?"

"Oh it gets worse."

"How the hell can this situation get any worse?"

Carefully I walk over to the sofa and lift the blanket enough for him to see her pregnant baby bump and her arms and neck littered with bruises and cigarette burns. His eyes widen in horror.

"Yep..." his voice is caught in his throat, "that's one way to make a situation worse."

Rolling my eyes at his dark sense of humour I walk nearer to him. Liam is craning his neck to look at the other voice in the room, I turn him slightly so he is looking out at Viper in all his tattooed and leather glory.

Viper surveys him with a look akin to that of a ticking bomb, good luck to any woman who has his baby.

"Why'd you call me here then?"

"I need you to go get some baby stuff, nappies, formula milk, food and maybe a couple of toys to keep him occupied. I've got a prospect to go through the car but there's nothing of any use there and I've got Hacker trying to find her, but so far nothing."

Viper nods and appears to be making a mental list of all I've asked for but honestly it's hard to tell from his blank expression.

"I also want you to inform the prospects that were on the gate that if I ever see them on my compound again I'll make them regret it." My final words are laced with grit and menace, grim with the treatment of an innocent.

I gaze down at her, emotion clogging my throat as I take in her emaciated frame, bruise coated skin with dotted cigarette burns over her arms and even neck. Sickness was gnawing at my stomach and, if it wasn't for Liam, I was confident I would have emptied my stomach by now.

Viper clears his throat as he too has been staring at the girl's hideous abuse. "We gonna find the fucker?" He asks, already knowing the answer.

They could run for eternity to escape me and I'd be waiting in hell.

"I'll grab her some clothes as well yeah? From wherever is open." I nod curtly, already thinking about calling my mum in to help this situation. She is a trauma and ptsd therapist who specialised in abuse rehab. All in all, I couldn't be more grateful for her job tonight.

I have more to owe that job than I have probably ever realised, my mum met my dad there. She was coaching him following his time in the military and he asked her out. Initially she refused. But you know how convincing us bikers can be, 28 years later they're still together.

Viper has left without alerting me to his departure, closing the door silently behind him so as not to startle Liam, who is now tugging on patches of my beard and giggle with delight.

"Hey kid, maybe lay off the beard huh?" I say to him with a teasing lilt to my voice. I offer up my pinky finger instead, he grasps it between his fist and begins to shake it and squeal.

Spinning around I nearly jump out of my skin. Grey eyes are burning into me with a terror so intense I could physically see it surrounding her. Her eyes flicked from me to Liam, her fear increasing with every passing second as I walk towards her. Just as I go to make eye contact, to reassure her, to tell her she's safe, her eyes drop and she refuses to move.

After placing Liam in her arms- I noted she took him with the impression (or so it seemed to me) that I was permanently about to snatch him from her. She murmured into his dark hair with a soft smile. She caught my eye accidentally and a smile grew on my own face.

When I walked away to get her some food and something to drink. I hadn't realised it was a mistake but I watched in horror as her eyes clouded with darkness and her head rolled back on her neck. I scooped up Liam and frantically called my mum.

She said she would be 5 minutes.

Thank God.

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