Chapter 22

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it's already 2 in the morning and Gene is inside the nursery room,putting baby Kei in her crib,i followed her but i stay outside the nursery waiting for her.Minutes later she finally went out.

"Heeseungie what are you doing here,Baby Kei is asleep though"She said coming up to me and hugged my waist and resting her head on my chest.

"happy birthday"i whispered caressing her head.

"aw thank you"she chuckled softly ducking her head deeper on my chest.

"shall we go back to sleep?"I asked softly and she nodded before pulling away from me.

With that we went back to our bed room and lay down to our bed then we fall in a deep slumber.


i was sleeping peacefully when i heard whispers.

"shush you'll wake her up"a male voice said.

"hey hand the cake to Heeseung"another male  voice said.

"light the candles up idiots"a femeni voice said.

"hey hey she's waking up"a familiar voice said as i slowly open my eyes to see that Heeseung wasn't by my side anymore,i sat up and rub my eyes then open it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENE!!!"they greeted,it was them they're here holding a banner with a "Happy Birthday to our dear Gene"on it.

"thank you"i said smiling brightly.

"Happy birthday bestie"Rean greeted.
wait Rean?!

"Rean?!"I shouted.

"surprise"she exclaimed smiling brightly.

"oh my gosh Rean"i said standing up and went to hug her,she hug me back and stroke my hair.

"i missed you"she whispered.

"i missed you too"i whispered back.

"ok enough with the drama time to blow the candle"Jimin exclaimed as we pull away from each other and Heeseung came up to me holding a chocolate cake.

"Happy birthday,blow the cake and make a wish"he said.

I blow the candle on the cake he was holding and put my hands together and i wished once i opened my eyes they began to cheer.

"happy birthday"Dafi,Trish and Xylene exclaimed hugging me.

"too tight"i said.

"ow sorry"they apologized pulling away from me.

"here's our gift"Trish said lifting a luxurious paper bag.

"you don't have to"i said feeling bad that they have to spend money just to buy gift for me.

"shut it,we want to give you a gift so take it"Xylene said handing me a luxurious paper bag too same goes to Dafi and Rean.

"now lets eat i'm hungry"Beomgyu said.We went to the dining room and i saw alot of food,Heeseung prepared it even though he didn't cook it,gosh i feel like crying,i could kiss him infront of them right now but i choose not to.

"Just go already"Taehyung said in annoyance.

"but what about Kei"i said worriedly,I'm dressed in a baby pink dress that reaches my knees and a pair of white vans,Heeseung said that he'll take me somewhere,i asked where but he said it's a surprise.

"we're going to babysit her no need to worry just go"Rean said pushing me to the door.

"Heeseung hyung is waiting in the car"Sunghoon said.

"just go Gene no need to worry about Kei because we'll take care of her"K said reassuringly.

"fine"i sigh in defeat.

"good now get out and go to your man or boy?...whatever"Xylene said.

I bid my goodbyes to them and went out to see Heeseung waiting outside the car.

"Ready?"he asked.

"yeah"i replied.He open the door for me to enter and close it after,he then went inside the car too.

"where are we going?"i asked  curiously.

"it's a surprise beautiful"he said,u blush at what he called me.He then drove off to where he's planning on taking me.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now