Chapter 30

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after the call with Daehom which is the man who's willing to buy my car i immediately call Gene's mom and informed her what happened to Gene,she cried and she told me that they'll come to the hospital and then i went back to the hospital.

As i reached the hospital i went to the emergency room,there i saw the Boys and the girls silently crying,some are standing and some are sitting,i cleared my throat to catch their attention and it did catch their attention.

"bro are you alright?"Seon asked while coming closer to me and place his hands on my shoulder.

"no i'm not alright"i replied feeling numb.

"she's a strong girl Heeseung,she will make it"He said comforting me.I nodded and went to Rean who was holding my sleeping baby,Rean gently transfer her into my arms.

"thank you for looking at her while i'm gone"I thanked her.

"it's nothing really"she said smiling but it didn't reach to  her eyes.

"do-do not cry guys Gene wouldn't like it"i said as i cam feel my eyes watering,then we heard i sigh.

"he's right she wouldn't like it if we cry for her"Xylene said in tough tone standing up from her seat.

"ye-yeah we shouldn't cry"Jimin said but his eyes are still tearing up.

"hey Heeseung hyung can i..."Jungwon murmured gesturing me to let him hold my princess.

"i just hold her"i said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood and i heard small chuckles.

"just kidding here hold her carefully"i said handing her my sleeping  princess.

"thanks"he said quietly before taking a seat when suddenly....

"You son of a b*itch"an angry voice said as he punch me.

"oh my gosh Honey!"A lady exclaimed,i couldn't see them since i closed my eyes,but their voice is familiar.

"uncle stop please"I heard Rean exclaimed.

"Honey stop you're beating him hard"That voice belong to Mrs.Bae,Gene's mom.

"no this bastard deserve to be beated after what he have done to my daughter"he spat as he continue to punch me,i feel my blood boil when he said "his daughter" did he forgot that he disown her tsk,but then Kei cried,she woke up then some nurses came up to us,holding back Mr.Bae who keep punching me.

"awww shhhhh baby don't cry"Mrs.Bae said as she came closer to Jungwon and pick baby Kei up then start to bounce her to calm her down.

About 3 nurse and Sunghoon,Jimin,Taehyung,K and Soobin are holding Gene's dad,he's a strong man while Hanbin,Seon, Jungwon and Beomgyu helped me stand up.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU FILTHY BASTARD"Mr.Bae shouted making the girls jumped.

"please do not shout Mr.-"A doctor who came up to us was cutted off.

"SHUT UP"Mr.Bae spat.

"you're scaring the baby Honey"Mrs.Bae exclaimed.

"Rean bring my granddaughter home"Mr.Bae ordered.

"uhhh which home?"Rean said confused.

"to mines"Mr.Bae said gritting his teeth.

"you can't do that!"I exclaimed getting angry,hell he can't take my daughter home he's not her grandfather,he's a monster who diswon her own daughter.He laughed evily.

"yes i can because from now'll no longer see them...i'm taking my daughter and my granddaughter home with my wife"He stated glaring at me.

"I'm not letting that happen"i said glaring back at him.

"YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!...YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY TO FEED THEM!...MY DAUGHTER AND HER BABY WILL STARVE!...AND YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO YOUR FAMILY!"he spat loudly,i couldn't help but to feel offended,i mean i worked hard to get money for my little family and this man just spit stupid things.

"i may not be rich any more but i can feed them"I defended my self,he was about to talk when the doctor who was handling Gene came.

"Mr.Bae and Mrs.Bae"the doctor greeted,well Bae family is famous they have a lot of successful companies same goes to my family but things happened.

"how's  daughter?"Mrs.Bae said stepping closer to the doctor still carrying my child,i went closer to the doctor and the guys stay behind me.



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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