Chapter 9

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She's hugging my Heeseung, my boyfriend,the father of my baby,the love of my life,she's hugging him,and the worst part is he's hugging her back...

"eherm"I was cut off on my thoughts when the Man cough catching our attention take note our that means Me,Heeseung and that DoA girl.They pulled away from each other and Heeseung get the ice cream from the mans hand and pass it to me he then payed the Man as Doa ordered.

"i'd like to have Strawberry ice cream"She ordered then turn her attention to us.

"gosh Heeseung i miss you so so so much"She exclaim.

"i miss you too DoA"He said smiling too.

I'm just watching them eating my ice cream,or maybe not watching but rather glaring at them.

"it's been so long since i last saw you"she said reaching his cheeks,that made me frown the heck she touching my man like that.

"you're right it's been so was Giyoon doing?"Heeseung asked,ok i'm getting confused now so i decided to butt in.

"ummmm may i ask who you are?"I said forcing my self to be polite.

"oh my gosh Heeseung! "She exclaimed.

"DoA this is Gene my girlfriend,Gene this is DoA my mom's best friend"Heeseung introduced me to her and her to me.

"Nice to meet you my what a beautiful girlfriend you have"she said as she check me out,it made me feel a little uncomfortable and Heeseung seems to notice that.

"seriously DoA stop checking her out or else i'll tell Giyoon"Heeseung said wrapping his arms to me.

"ok sorry"She apologize then the man hand her ice cream and she took it.

"i'm sorry i need to go...its nice to meet you Gene and you too my little Heeeseung"She said waving her hands as she walk away,we then came back to the bench and took a sit.

"sooo how old is she?"i asked out of curiosity,i mean she's his mom's best friend that means she's in her mid 40's.

"She's 44"Heeseung answered chuckling.

"wow i thought she's 20 or something"i said in amazement,she look so young,she didn't even have wrinkles.

"that's what other people say,DoA has baby face"Heeseung explained shortly licking his ice cream i did the same too,after a while we finish our ice cream but we didn't get up yet.

"Heeseung-ah how are we gonna tell our mom and dad?"i asked this made him face me,frustration is painted on his face.

"i don't know Genenie"Heeseung said,he look so stress right now.

"hey it's fine don't go stress over it"I said rubbing my hands over his cheeks.

"i can't help it...i mean what if they kick us out"Heeseung said brushing his bangs.

"i feel the same way too"i said,bringing my hands to his.

"Gene we have to tell them already"Heeseung faced me worry can be seen on his face.

"but how"i said getting frustrated too.

"we'll figure that out later,what important is we tell them ourselves before someone else tell them"Heeseung  said.

"alright then tomorrow we'll tell them"I said.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now