Chapter 19

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today we're finally going back home
and i'm really happy about it because i kinda don't like hospitals,and i'm excited to show Baby Kei her room.
K was really excited when he knew that he and Baby Kei almost have a similar name it's just the spelling that made their name different.

After all the difficulties we faced during my pregnancy,i hope that everything will be alright.Mine and Heeseung's mom visited too and i feel bad to them because they had to sneek out,however our dad's seem to hold tight on their words.I wouldn't be lying,i miss them though.

"Hey Gene come on let's go"Heeseung called my name as i was in deep thought.

"Oh...yeah"I said getting in the car gently as Baby Kei is in my arms.The guys didn't visit last week and now too,i feel very sad about it but they must be busy on their studies or something.

"let's take you home baby Kei"Heeseung said in a baby voice making me chuckled.

"I'm so so so excited"I said facing Heeseung who is smiling brightly,we turn our attention to Baby Kei and saw that she is smiling to us.

"uwuu she's so cute"Heeseung said in uwu.

"indeed...she got it from you"I said teasingly smiling at him.

"aish stop it"Heeseung said in a annoyed tone playfully but he couldn't stop himself from smiling then he proceed to drive to our home.

"i'm so very happy Gene"He said smile didn't leave his face.

"Me too"I exclaimed happily.

"thank you for giving me a chance to be a father...even though it's unexpected"He said looking at me for a second and then focused on driving.

"i actually thought that we can't do it...we can't be a good parents...but then i thought too that i shouldn't be thinking 'bout that because we'll do anything to be a good parents"I stated smiling brightly while looking at the now sleeping baby Kei.

We continue to head back home,the whole ride all we could do is to talk about Baby Kei,and she's just sleeping,i guess that's what new born baby do.

After half an hour of driving we finally arrived at our small apartment.Getting out of the car then Heeseung parked it in the parking lot,
bringing the things that we brought to the hospital.

Opening the door gently,we are greeted by the girls and the boys.

"welcome home baby Kei"They shouted holding a banner with Welcome Home Baby Kei written in it.

Their shouting made baby Kei cry and they apologize for that.

"aww she's so tiny"Trish said looking at baby Kei.

We are now sitting on the living room and i must say that we didn't fit in here,the place is enough for 5 people only and heck they're quite alot.

"look she smiled at me"K said excitedly smiling.

"hmmm maybe that's because you have the same name?"Soobin said gently rubbing baby Kei's cheeks.

"my name is not K it's my nickname but her name is Kei it's spelled  out in K.E.I...kei...mines just letter K"K explained.

"we get now shush"Xylene said silencing K who glare at her playfully.

"so how do you guys feel right now?"Seon asked.

"We're super happy"I said looking at our baby with pure admiration same goes to Heeseung.

"i hope that nothing bad will happen in the future"Heeseung said sighing in happiness.

yeah i hope so



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now