Chapter 23

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Gene is repeatedly asking Heeseung, where are they going but Heeseung won't tell her anything,Gene was wearing a blind fold so she wouldn't really know where they are heading at.

"are we there yet?"Gene asked again after 15 seconds.

"nope"Heeseung answered shortly.

"and now?"she asked again.

"nope"Heeseung answered again.

"what about now?"She said stubbornly.

"Gene don't worry we're almost there"Heeseung sigh holding Gene's hand and focus on driving.

"We're here"Heeseung exclaimed getting out of the car and went to open the door for Gene.

"why can i hear people screaming?"Gene asked nervously.

"don't worry about it"Heeseung reassured.

"can i remove the blind fold now?"Gene asked.

"of course"Heeseung answered then Gene slowly remove the blind fold that covers her eyes.

"we...we are in a...a amusement park?"Gene said her eyes widening.

"yeah don't you like it here?"Heeseung asked nervously,afraid that Gene wouldn't like it.

"no i don't like it here"She said making Heeseung look down and sigh.

"ok then let's go eat somewhere"Sadness can be heard on his voice.

"silly you...i don't like it because i love it here"Gene exclaimed excitedly hugging Heeseung tightly.

"really?"Heeseung asked hugging Gene back.

"Yes it's wonderful here...thank you"Gene said looking directly into Heeseung's eyes.

"what are we waiting for...let's go ride the rides"Heeseung said excitedly.

They just finished riding the roller coaster and Gene start to vomit.eww

"it's ok"Heeseung said caressing Gene's back as she vomits.Seconds later she's finally done vomiting and Heeseung hand her a tissue and a water bottle.

"i don't wanna ride that again"She mumbled and Heeseung chuckled.

"i totally agree"He said then they continue to walk around until they saw a tent that has alot of teddy bears.

"ohhh Heeseung i want one"Gene said looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Oh please stop that but okay"Heeseung said playfully rolling his eyes then they headed to the tent.

"how much is this sir?"Heeseung asked.

"it's not for have to win the game to get a teddy bear"the man said.

"what game?"Heeseung asked.

"oh you just have to hit the can with the ball and if you turn down the 3 cans then you'll get a teddy bear"The man explained.

"ok then i'll play"Heeseung said handing a money to the man and the man gave him a 3 balls then he played.


"and hit!"Gene exclaimed excitedly as Heeseung hit the last can on their second play.

"good job young man now what teddy bear would you like to have?"The man asked.

"i want the pink and the white one"Gene said excitedly.

"here you go young lady"the man said as he get the teddy bears and hand it to Gene.

"thank you"Heeseung and Gene their goodbye to the man and took a seat on the bench there.

"this pink one is for Kei and this white looks like you so it's mine"Gene said smiling brightly cuddling the teddy bears.

"they're so cute"Heeseung said in uwu.

"i want Cotton candy"Gene said Ponting at the Cotton candy stand.

"but we didn't eat yet"Heeseung  protested lightly.

"i want cotton candy"She whined.

"ok just sit here and wait for me"Heeseung said and went to the vendor who's selling cotton candy.After a minute he's finally back with two cotton candy on his hand,he handed one to Gene and they eat it.

"did you enjoy this?"Heeseung asked.

"yes,so much"She said looking at him.

"i'm still planning on taking you to your favorite restaurant"He said.

"wow really?...but you already spend alot of money for this"Gene said looking around the amusement park.

"it's your birthday so i have to make it special...and i earn money for your birthday so it's alright"Heeseung reassure her and Gene just nodded.

They're munching their cotton candy peacefully when Gene got a phone call.

"hello?"Gene said curiously,why would Hanbin suddenly call her when she and Heeseung is on a date.

"Gene it's Baby Kei"Hanbin said over the phone,a sob was heard.

"w-what ha-happened?"Gene asked,she's getting nervous because she can hear a loud sobbing coming out from Hanbin and her guts is telling her that something bad happened to her child.

"we are in the hospital Gene"He blur out making Gene's heart race.

"w-why?! what happened?!"She shouted and this caught Heeseung's attention and the people around them but she could careless.

"i don't know,Kei is burning up we don't know what's wrong with her"and with that Gene drop her cotton candy then Heeseung went to her.

"what happened?"He asked worriedly placing a hand on Gene's shoulder.

"We have to go to the hospital Heeseung"She said and Heeseung didn't asked further.

Poor Baby Kei😭

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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