Chapter 7

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After the talk that i had with Heeseung,i decided that i should take good care of myself as well as our baby,i ate alot this past 3 days,Heeseung has been protective to me too i'm ok with it though but something i got annoyed.

We're currently here at JINNIES Cafe with Hanbins cousins and the 3 girls who became my friends after the party,they're not as bad as i thought.
We are going to tell them about my pregnancy.

"what is it that you want to tell us?"Taehyung asked.

"Yeah i'm getting so seems serious"Dafi said.

"me too"Trish said putting a curious look on her face.

"we are all curious about it"Soobin butted in.

"so what is it"Hanbin said getting impatient.

I took a deep breath and look at Heeseung who give me a nod and a squish on my hand.

"I'm... i'm..."i said still hesitating.

"come on your what"Jimim said getting impatient too.

"I'm pregnant"I finally said,i look at their reaction,they stay frozen on their seats blinking their eyes,probably shooked.

"your...your what?"Xylene asked.

"I'm pregnant"I said again.

"PREGNANT?!!!"They said in chorus standing up on their chair making the people inside the cafe look at us and began gossiping.Heeseung stood up and apologize to the people while bowing his head then went back to his seat.

"we know it's shocking but you guys don't have to shout"Heeseung scolded.

They all went back to seat.

"oh god"Hanbin said with wide eyes.

"Wow"Jungwon said eyes is wide open too same goes to Dafi,Soobin

"This"Seon said looking so amazed.

"Tell me this is a dream.."Beomgyu said while slapping his cheeks lightly.

The others didn't say anything they just stayed frozen on their spot with wide eyes.

"Umm guys"Heeseung called them,after a second they finally came back to their sense.

"oh my god we are so sorry"Xylene apologize this made Me and Heeseung frown.

"why are you sorry?"I asked frowning.

"we were the one who put the drug in the drink"Xylene said tearing up.

"you don't have to be sorry"i said reassuring them.

"it's done already we cannot change that"Heeseung said trying to make them feel better.

"but still..."Sunghoon said sadly.

They all look down ashamed of what they did.

"come on guys don't be sorry...after 9 months y'all are going to meet our little angel"Heeseung said positively.

"but you guys are too young to be parents"Sunghoon said worry is shown to his face.

"our baby might have come earlier than expected but he/she is still a blessing"Heeseung said.

"your right we are just worried for the both of you,you're both young and not ready for this"Seon said in worry.

"but how can you get pregnant...didn't you guys use protection?"Xylene said making us look at her.

"that question is quite stupid Xy"Beomgyu said to her,she rolled her eyes.

"If they used protection then why is Gene having a baby"Jimin butted in clearly annoyed by Xylene's stupidity.

"whatever"Xylene said rolling her eyes again,i swear this girl love rolling her eyes.

"so how are you gonna tell your parents?"Taehyung asked.

"we don't know yet but we're going to figure it out...the sooner the better"Heeseung said sighing,i can tell that he's stressing about it,so to ease him a little i hold his hand and rub it with my thumb,thankfully he seem to relax a bit.

"don't you worry we're always here for the both of you"Hanbin said with a smile.

"he's right whenever you need something just call us"Trish said too,they're great friends.

"thank you"We thanked them,soon we all went home,and ready to face the tomorrow.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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