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6 years After


Gene already forgive her dad,it took her 3 months to forgive him like  Heeseung,and after 4 years their dad also forgive each other.Gene is done with her studies so was Rean,Dafi,Trish,Xylene,Jungwon,Sunghoon,Beomgyu and Soobin while K,Jimin,Taehyung,Seon,Hanbin already have a good job,Heeseung meet Joshua,Vernon and Viean too,they're visiting Gene that time,Gene meet Sean too,she thought he's a funny guy,he even told her the times when Heeseung cried,however Heeseung was not embarrass about it.Joshua,Vernon,Viean and Sean became part of their bestfriend goals too.

Kei Ann is now going to school,she met alot of friends but her bestest friend is Mica,Rean's 4 years old daughter,yes she has a daughter,she's married to a guy named Jihyo,Kei Ann maybe older than Mica but they get along so well,Trish is married to a guy named Debin he's a doctor like Gene,Xylene is with Jungwon,she and Jihan broke up because she caught him cheating on her so Jungwon gave her comfort and their relationship bloomed,the others have their own love life too.Heeseung made the company bigger while Gene has a cafe business and is a Doctor,life has been wonderful for them.

Heeseung also proposed to Gene 2 months ago and today is their wedding day.The venue is on the beach.

"Guys what if i tripped?"Gene nervously asked.

"then we'll laugh at you"Sean said making Viean smack his head.

"It's normal to be nervous but everything will be alright don't be paranoid"Viean told her and the others nodded in agreement.

"Gene it's time"Her mom says walking in the room with her dad,the guys and girls went out to give the family a time and went to their places as the ceremony is about to start.

"you're so beautiful dear"Her mom complimented.

"indeed...my daughter is getting married finally i'm so proud"her father said hugging her and she hugged him back.

"let's go now he's waiting"Her dad said referring to Heeseung,Gene then nodded and they head out.


There she is with her mom and dad on both of her side,the bridesmaids walked to the aisle so was the groomsmen and Kei as the flower girl with Mica.

When it's Gene's time to walked down at the aisle,she took a deep breath as they began to smile,she saw the always handsome Heeseung looking at her in pure love and admiration,he has tears in his eyes like her,everything is perfect she thought but then.........

"ah!"She yelped when she tripped at her own gown,luckily her dad catch her immediately,she close her eyes in embarrassment,she knew that her guests want to laugh but held it back ,she stand straight and put up a smile on her face and mumbled a small sorry however Heeseung look at her worriedly but she smile reassuring him that she's fine,but how can Heeseung not worry,Gene is again pregnant with their second baby for about 2 months,they already told their friends and family about it.

She continue to walk like nothing happened,not letting the embarrassing moment ruin her wedding.When she finally reached Heeseung,he asked if she's ok amd she answered yes.

"takecare of my daughter and grandchildren"Her dad remind Heeseung as he nodded in response.

The ceremony start,Gene and Heeseung said their vows,their moms can't stop tearing up and their husbands are comforting them,their friends look at them with pure admiration.

"You may now kiss the bride"The Priest informed.

Heeseung lean in and captured her lips as the crowd cheered.



7 months later


7 months since we got married,life has been good,sure we had some small fight but we manage to fix it,Heeseung brought a house too it's bigger now.I'm already 9 months pregnant and in a few days i'll be giving birth to our baby girl,yes we're having a girl again and i'm gonna name her Chel Sea,Lee Chel Sea... beautiful isn't it...

Heeseung's parent's went back to traveling and my parents are currently in Florida celebrating their anniversary.

Right now i'm in the kitchen getting an apple,Heeseung is in the living room though,he told me he can get the apple but i insisted that i'll get it,i even threatened him playfully so he's in the living room now,Kei is with Rean and Mica they're doing shopping.

I was about to walk out of the kitchen when my water suddenly broke,heck i'm about to get Chel Sea out of my tummy.

"HEESEUNG!!!"i yelled then i heard him rushing to come to me.

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!"he asked in panic.

"She's coming"i groaned.

"What tell her not yet she's supposed to come next week!!!!"He exclaimed loudly,i face palmed and smack the back of his head.

"just...just get the keys and let's go"I'm surprised that i can talk properly and not stuttering.

"ok"he said running to our room and grab the keys but he handed it to me.

"Why'd you give me the keys?"I asked in a small voice because of the pain.

"drive to the hospital i'll call the guys and gir-"i cutted him off,gosh he's crazy.

"WHAT THE HECK HEESEUNG!...JUST GET THE DAMN KEY AND DROVE OFF TO THE HOSPITAL! OR ELSE I'LL  TWIST YOUR THING DOWN THERE SO WE'LL HAVE NO BABY ANYMORE!!!"i yelled in frustration,he immediately yet gently carry me and run to the hospital?....wtf.

"Why the hell are you running?"I asked then moaned in pain.

"because you'll give birth and we'll go to the hospital?"He said in confusion.

I yelled in frustration and let him place me down.i spot a cab so i call it.

"to the hospital mr.....Heeseung let's go"I said grabbing his hands and let him stepped inside the car and i did the same,the driver drove fast to the hospital.finally gosh i don't know what will i do to Heeseung if i give birth on the road.

"just wait little Chel Sea you'll meet me,your dad,Kei and your crazy uncles and aunties later"i thought.

                        THE END

This is the end guys,thank you

so much for reading this
book,thank you guys
alot for giving this book support and love,thanks
for voting too.😍

I hope you guys enjoyed reading
this book thank you guys
so so so much,this is the end
now and there will be no bonus
chapters i'm so sorry.

BUT! i'll be publishing another book soon entitled"ECLIPSE"
i hope you all give it love and support just like you did to"TEEN PARENTS"☺.


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now