Chapter 27

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Sleep over at Xylene's place was so memorable,we all had alot of fun,and we'll make sure that it will happen again.

I noticed that Heeseung has been stress lately,like when he come back home from work he's super tired,i mean he have 2 jobs so it's not a surprise.He has been busy this days too,and he start coming home late and i feel like something bad is happening.

"yes just please give me another 1 month...yes i promise this will be the last...yeah thank you"I heard Heeseung talk with the caller as I walk out of Baby Kei nursery room since she's fast asleep already.His tone sound so tired,he have big eyebags and he look paler.

"is everything alright YAM?"i asked approaching him.

"everything's alright don't worry YAM"Heeseung said trying to reassure me.

"you look stress and frustrated though"I said rubbing his shoulders to calm him down.

"just some problems on my work "Heeseung said grabbing my hand as he took a sit on the couch,i did the same.

"what about your work?"I asked curiously,he then began to draw circles on the back of my hand using his thumb.

"my second job fired me"He blur out.

"Wha-why would they fire you?"i asked in disbelief.

"they found someone who can work full time"Heeseung said sounding so upset.

"they're douche tsk"I remarked grabbing the back of Heeseung's head placing it on my chest then he wrapped his arms around my waist as i lay down the couch with him above me looking so comportable.

"it's just that they pay me so well and then in a blink of eye they fire me as if i'm not their best employee"Heeseung stated feeling sad about the fact that they fire him.

"now now stop thinking about them they're idiots...right now lay down here above me and take a rest"I said brushing his soft hair with my fingers.
He hummed in response and fall in a deep slumber as i did the same.

I woke up because of Baby Kei's crying,it's currently 3 in the morning,Heeseung is fast asleep so he maybe didn't hear it,i gently got out of the couch and place Heeseung's head of arm of the couch.I headed to the nursery room.

"aww is my baby awake now"I mumbled in a baby voice while i carry Baby Kei and gently bouncing her.

"are you hungry baby girl?"i asked even though i know she won't answer me,she then hold the collar of my shirt pulling it.

"ow ow your hungry"I said confirming that she needs to eat,i took a sit on one of the chair there and i began to breastfeed her.

After a good 10 minutes of feeding her,she finally fall asleep again,that's what babies do,eat and sleep so cute.I place her on her crib then walk out of the nursery room before closing the door,i then headed back to the living room where Heeseung is sleeping.
I shook him lightly to wake him up.

"YAM wake up let's sleep in our room"I whispered,he groaned in response.

"come on YAM"i said shaking him a little hard.

"w-what's wrong?"He asked as he woke up and sat up.

"let's sleep on our room"I said,he nodded and we headed in to our bed room then lay down and fall asleep.


The alarm ring for the 3rd time reminding us to get up,i slowly remove my arms around Gene's waist then sat up and stretch,after stretching i stood up and went to the nursery room to check on baby Kei.

"you're awake my princess...good morning"I said startled to see her little eyes wide open as she have her little blanket on her mouth biting it even though she doesn't have teeth yet.

I carry her and we went to the kitchen,i made a warm milk for her then a cereal for me.

"my little princess is growing up so fast"I said as she play with my fingers.

"you're right"a voice butted in,Gene.

"good morning YAM"i greeted smiling at her.

"good morning too"she greeted back and took a seat.

"you just had cereal?"She asked frowning.

"well yeah...we didn't have a stock of any food just cereal"I said shrugging.

"then maybe we could do some food shopping don't have work today?"She asked getting up to get the cereal and milk then took a seat again

"i do have work today"I said shrugging again it's still early for me to go to work or maybe not?

"its 7:50 Heeseung"She scolded me,i widen my eyes in realization.

I immediately but gently put Baby Kei in her arms then run to our room to change,after changing i went up to them and kiss then goodbye,with that i went to the parking lot where my car is parked but i saw a guy near it.

"hello sir may i help you?"i asked approaching the guy.

"you're the owner of the car?"He asked.

"yes sir"i answered.

"your car is beautiful...are you selling it?"The guy asked.

"there's no for sale sign sir so no it's not for sale"I sassed.

"well if you change your mind here's my calling card"He said as he pass his calling card to me then walk away.

I put the card on my pocket and went inside my card,i start the engine and then drove off to my work place

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now