Chapter 40

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Today is my daughter's birthday and i'm so excited gosh i can't believe my baby is having her 2nd birthday,my baby is smart because for a 2 years old she can speak and walk without our assistance,she's quite a talker too,and once i caught her singing along to her favorite nursery rhythm,even though her words weren't really clear she's showing that she can sing just like father.

Kei is already awake,infact she's the one who woke me up,she was tapping my cheeks until i woke up,when i open my eyes i meet her cute smile and twinkling eyes.

I stood up and carry her,we went to the bathroom and take a shower together,after that i dress up into comfortable clothes and i dress her up into comfortable clothes too,the birthday party is in 2 p.m,only our closest neighbors are invited,they're couples with toddlers and babies that are friends with Kei.

With that we went to the dining and eat our breakfast.


It's already 10 in the morning and we're preparing the birthday party,the venue is on our backyard since it's not that big party,dad assigned some people to prepare the party place while me and mom cooked the foods,however Kei is with his grandpa in her play pin.

"mom she asked me something yesterday night"i suddenly said,this somehow caught her attention.

"what did she asked?"She says in curiosity.

"she asked if Heeseung is coming on her birthday"i blur out while mixing melted chocolates for the cake.

"what did you say?"She asked.

"i just said that maybe next time he'll come for her birthday"I said.

"Dear you know that you can't keep lying...someday she'll seek more of his attention than now"She told me.

"i know mom....i just hope when that time comes,he's here even if not for me"I said and mom sigh as she continue what she's doing and i did the same.

The backyard is already settled the visitors are already here with their gift for my little Kei,mom went to them and assist them since i'm getting my birthday girl ready,she's wearing a cute grey dress and i tie her hair into a piggy tail,i'm just putting her shoes right now.

"and you're done my birthday girl"i exclaimed as i was done with her.

"enkyo mama"i smiled when she thanked me.

"you're always welcome baby girl...happy birthday"I greeted her then she smiled in response,i carried her to the backyard and we're meet by the mothers of her friends,toddlers or babies.

Joshua,Vernon and Viean are here too.As we arrived they start to sing happy birthday to my daughter and she smile brightly to them.

After a while we eated and the kids played some games as the birthday party continue till 6 p.m.

Soon it's time for them to go home,they bid their goodbyes to us and once again wish Kei happy birthday.

"Happy birthday little girl"Viean said in her baby voice squishing Kei's cheeks lightly as she laugh cutely in response.

"Happy 2nd birthday Kei Kei"Vernon then said stroking her hair then pulled away.

"Happy birthday sweet tooth"Joshua said tickling her sides a little,she laugh cutely.

"Here's gift my surprise!"He exclaimed handing her a small paper bag.

The other two hand their gift earlier,they kiss Kei's cheeks and my forehead before heading out and went home.

Dad assigned the same people who arranged the party to clean up and he order someone to wash the dishes too so that we can rest.

I carry sleeping Kei Ann in my arms as she fall asleep right after her favorite uncles and aunty headed out,we already video call Rean and the guys too,Kei actually knows them they're all her favorite though.

I took a half bath before sleeping next to my baby.

this chapter is full of narration i'm very sorry😂

btw do you guys like that new cover so far?

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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