Chapter 32

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It has been 1 month since the accident happened,Heeseung,the guys and the girls manage to sneak out 5 times but Mr.Bae found out about it so he assigned body guards to guard Gene.

Heeseung manage to save their apartment but he isn't doing well.
He couldn't sleep properly,eye bags can be seen on his eyes,he lock himself in his and Gene's room and sometimes to Kei's room.

Their friends our getting worried about him,they always bring food for him since he's not eating properly too,their apartment was clean though because he thought that if he leave it a mess Gene will get mad when she come back.

Mrs.Bae has been calling Heeseung too,she's sending videos to Heeseung on what his baby is doing,he couldn't be more thankfull.

He also got fired on his job on the cafe since he barely go to work,so they have to replace him but it's like he didn't care at all.Everytime he think about Gene's condition made him go insane,he want to hold her,sing for her,talk to her but he can't.He misses his baby too,but still glad that she's in the safe arms.

"Heeseung hyung someone's calling"Jungwon said for the 3rd time,Him,Sunghoon and Hanbin came to visit him but they go unnoticed by Heeseung who's holding a picture of his little family,tears are falling down his eyes too.

"Oh?...yeah...give me the phone"Heeseung ordered softly and Jungwon obeyed him,handing the phone to Heeseung then he answer it.

"H-Hello?"He started.

"Son"the caller spoke.

"Dad? why are you calling?"Heeseung asked coldly.

"come to my office 7 p.m sharp"His dad stated.

"and why would i?"He remarked,the guys remind silent as they eat the foods they bring for Heeseung and themselves.

"i want to talk to you about something  important so you better be in my office at 7...i won't take no as an answer"His father said sternly before hanging up,Heeseung sigh in defeat placing his phone on the nightstand.

"what did your dad want?"Sunghoon asked in curiosity.

"i don't know he just told me to go to his office at 7"Heeseung explained as the guys nodded.

"well then let's eat"Sunghoon said digging in.

"i don't wanna eat"Heeseung said.

"Heeseung you have to eat...Gene will get really mad if she knew that her YAM isn't eating and Kei too"Hanbin said out of concern.

"fine"Heeseung said in defeat while the guys smiled then they dig in.

"so are you going?"Hanbin asked.

"i don't have a choice he said it's important"Heeseung said as he continue to eat his food.

"seriously after he kick you out and didn't contact you for like a year...he's calling you suddenly and then demand you to go to his office because he have something important to tell you,that's ridiculous"Jungwon exclaimed.

"I'll just go...i wanted to know what he want to tell me though"Heeseung shrugged.

"but first you have to take a shower  you stink"Jungwon said covering his nose.

"how many days since your last shower?"Sunghoon asked.

"hmmm 3 days?"Heeseung said rubbing his jaw.

"eww Hyung you better take a shower before rats came up to you"Jungwon exclaimed while Heeseung rolled his eyes and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now