Chapter 15

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I'm waiting for Gene to finish dressing up for the birthday party of Dafi's sister,Tonight i'm going to make sure that she stay glued to me i can't risks her getting hurt.The others are already in the venue waiting for us.

After 40 minutes of waiting my princess finally went down wearing a beautiful pink dress that reaches her knee,walking to her with admiration in my eyes i give her a kiss on her cheeks.

"how do i look?"she asked shyly.

"you look gorgeous as always"I complimented which made her blush.

"let's go?"I asked intertwining our hands.

"yeah let's go"With that we headed to the party.


We arrived at the venue after a long ride,the hotel is so huge,it was luxurious outside and maybe inside too,i'm really nervous about going in what if they saw my bump will they judge me?what if they talk bad about me?,my thoughts were interrupted by Heeseung as he pull me in the luxurious hotel.

"wow"We said in chorus,the inside is more beautiful,a real jaw dropping,the guest are wearing expensive clothes,shoes,and jewel,it's not our first time coming on a big event because both our parents would drag us in their business party.

"Gene stay close to me ok?"Heeseung said looking directly to my eyes.

"Of course"I answered reassuring him.

"Hey Gene hey Heeseung"A voice greeted us,we turned and saw Dafi,she look beautiful she's wearing a Royal blue sleeveless dress.

"Hey"Me and Heeseung greeted back.

"come on let's go to your assigned table"She said headinh to our table with us following her.

"Hey our favorite couple"Jimin greeted as he drank his wine.We took a seat then greet each other.

"wow Gene you look beautiful"Xylene complemented i couldn't help but blush.

"thank you,you look beautiful too,all of you"i complemented back and say thanked me.

"wait i'll just call my sister"Dafi excuse her self then she walk away.

"have you meet her sister yet?"Heeseung asked.

"nope Dafi said that we should meet her together"Sunghoon answered.

Heeseung hummed as we wait for Dafi to come back.

A server came to us and ask us what we want to eat and we told him what we desire to eat.

After a minute the food arrive at the same time Dafi came back with her sister.

"Hello guys so this is my sister...Dami"She introduced.

"Hello it's nice to meet you all"Dami said waving lightly to us.

We said our Hello and hi to her too we also greeted her happy birthday.

"Thank you...i hope you're enjoying the party"She said smiling brightly,she's really pretty though.

"oh Heeseung?"She called Heeseung surprising us.

"you know each other?"K asked.

"of course"she exclaimed then hugged Heeseung,bitch i can feel my blood boiling form anger.Heeseung
awkwardly pull her away.

"H-Hey Dami haha"He greeted awkwardly.

"If you don't want your party to be ruined you better pull away from my boyfriend"i snapped.They all look surprise because of my small treat then Dami bitch pulled away from him.

"oh my gosh sorry for my sisters action"Dafi apologized before giving her sister a signal to walk out.

"tsk whatever"Dami bitch said rolling her eyes then walk away.

"o-----k that was unexpected"Trish said.

"we...didn't know that you knew her"Taehyung said too.

"She's nothing important so shut it guys"He said clearly annoyed.

"i wanna go home"With that i walk out and find my way to Heeseung's car,he followed me while the guys find Dafi and bid their goodbye too.


"Gene it's not what you think"He said holding my arms gently stopping from going any further.

"let me explain please"He pleaded i didn't look nor speak to him i just look down tyring to hide my tears,yes i'm already crying fuck this Prenancy hormones.

"let's get in the car and let me explain"He sigh then take my hand leading me to go inside his car.

"now that we are inside this car...explain"I said in a hard tone.

"Dami she's my...........



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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