Chapter 45

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6 months later


After the talk me and Heeseung had everything went clear,after some days we call the guys and girls over,they seems surprise though,we also explained the whole thing towards them because they go mad to Heeseung,we apologized to each other too,for us leaving and for them being mad at Heeseung,that day Kei also meet them,she's happy that she has alot of aunties and specially uncles,the guys and girls played with her,we ate too and watch some movies.

Heeseung told his parents about us too,we also explained to them the whole thing and they grow hatred towards my dad,i feel sad about it because they wouldn't get along and he's still my father even though i'm mad at him and i don't even know if i'll be able to forgive him.

We are still staying at the apartment,sometimes our friends will visit us,we're good now.We've been bonding too,me,Heeseung and Kei did alot of fun things during this 6 months,we took lots of pictures to treasure,Kei is mama's girl though but she love Heeseung too she's just super clingy when it comes to me.

And for my studies,i forgot to tell you guys that i continue my studies here i'm glad because i went to the same school as Rean,Dafi,Trish and Xylene.
Heeseung took over the company,his parents went traveling since last 1 month.

Right now the guys and girls are here with us,we're celebrating Rean's birthday,yes it's on our apartment but we don't mind.

"so i saw this guy in our school doing something dirty with the bitchy cheerleader of ours"Rean said telling us something she saw".

"ohhh she's really a bitch,she even tried to flirt with Jihan"Xylene said,Jihan is her boyfriend,he's here too,we barely fit here but we manage haha.

"tsk tsk a whore"Jimin tsked as he heard the gossip.

Rean was about to talk again when we heard someone knocked at the door.

I went to open the door and the one who knocked is.........DAD.

"What are doing here dad?"I said as polite as i can.

"can we talk dear,sorry to disturb the party"He said,i look over to Heeseung who's carrying the sleeping Kei and he nodded,i sigh and nodded too.

"let's go outside"i said then stepped out of the apartment with dad following me.

"i'm so sorry my daughter...i know i'm wrong,i want the best for you but i went to far...the hatred that i feel towards Heeseung's father is not enough reason to lie at you about him"He stated,he didn't cry but he's voice cracked and i can feel he's sincerity.

"i understand if you don't forgive me...but remember that i already regret it...your mom made me realize the bad things i did...i regret all of it believe me or not...i should go,thank you for your time"He said smiling sadly before walking out.

I lean on the wall and sigh,tears began to form in my eyes.

"Gene"i soft relaxing voice called my name,Heeseung.

"i don't know what to do Heeseung...i want to forgive him but at the same time i dont want to"i said he then pulled me in his embrace.

"try to slowly forgive him love just like what i'm doing right now,he talked to me too but i didn't tell you because i forgot until he came,i'm slowly trying to forgive him because he's sincere about the apology"He stated.

"alright then i'll try"i said.

After sometime we went back inside and they asked what happened and i told them,they have the same thought as Heeseung though.

soooo this isn't the last chapter because there will a epilogue,
I can't believe it's ending i'm crying😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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