Chapter 10

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Today is the day that we are going to tell our parents about us expecting a baby.We've decided that we will tell them separately.

And now i'm here inside my room,my hands are sweating because of nervousness,i'm afraid of their reaction.

Walking out of the room,i went to the leaving room where my mom and dad are.I went closer to them as they turn their attention to me.

" have to tell you guys s-something"i stuttered nervousness is eating me.

"what is it son you seem very nervous?"My dad asks in curiosity.

"come take a seat"My mom signalled  me to seat,i sit down in between them.

"so tell us"my dad ordered.

"i-i...i got Gene pregnant"i finally blur out while closing my eyes.

"oh my god"my mom exclaimed quietly.

"Heeseung are you out of your mind?!!"my dad shouted as he stand,i just look down but my eyes are now open.

"Gene...Gene...she's so young"My mom said still in shock.

"Heeseung pack your things and get out of this house!!!"My dad said loudly,that made my world stop,They're kicking me out?....but i need them now the most.

"but dad i-"I was cut off by the punch of my dad that made me fall down.

"Oh god what did you do?!!"My mom said rushing to me.

"You're a disgrace to this're ruining our name!"My dad shouted,my mom is already crying so does i.

"i-it wasn't was an accident"I try to defend my self.

"intentional or not you still got her pregnant!...f*cking pregnant!...what would the people say huh?...that my son got a 17 years old teen pregnant?!!"He continue to shout at me,my mom speaks.

"Honey we don't have to kick him out specially now,they're having a baby...they need a financial help"My mom said looking at my dad with pleading eyes.

"it's his fault...he don't need our help because he can do it by himself,
he did not think of the's his responsibility "My dad said gently yet harshly.My mom swallowed hard and look at me in pity.

"go to your room and pack your things...i hope when i come back you're not here anymore"He said coldly before walking out of the house.

I went upstairs with my mom following me,as soon i as i stepped in the room i headed to my closet,i can feel my mom's gaze at my back.

"Honey..."She called quietly as she walk to me hugging me from the back.

"mom it was an accident...i didn't mean it"i said as my tears start to flow.

"shhhhh i believe you...don't worry son i'll send you money"Mom said comforting me.

"no need's's my responsibility "i said crying my heart out.

"I'm sorry i couldn't do anything"She whispered.

"it's ok mom"i reassured her,she made me face her,she put her hands on both of my cheeks rubbing it to make me calm down.

"i can't believe my little singer boy is going to be a father soon...i can't believe i'm going to be a grandma soon too haha"She said looking at me with pure love.

"I'm afraid mom...i'm afraid i wouldn't be a good father"i said.

"shhhh maybe you're not prepared to be a dad but you'll learn one is ever prepared to be a parent"Mom said.

"but Gene..her studies"I said worryingly.

"she can take online classes"Mom said as she got my big bag and began to put my things there.

"you need to go before he come back"She said then i walk to her and give her a tight hug.

"i love you mom"i said,i can feel that she's smiling.

"i love you too my son"



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now