Chapter 43

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After a long ride on the plane we finally arrived here at Korea,as soon as we land i immediately call mom as i promised her,she informed me that she will be giving father a time till they talk to each other.I still can't believe that father will do that to me to us,he's been a supportive dad to me though,i know that he want the best for me but he went too far.

I also didn't tell Rean that we'll be coming back here,it's a surprise.Mom told me that we can stay at our house,i protest because what if dad do something but she assured me that it's ok he won't do something bad from now on,that's what she told me so i just agree we don't have somewhere to stay anyway,i don't even know if the apartment is still there so it's better this way.

"mama kei is hwungry"My daughter whined while rubbing her small tummy.

"ok baby i'll just get our things and we'll eat food"I said then she nodded.

After i got our luggage we start to head out of the airport,but half way to the exit we bump into someone causing both of us to let go our things and fall down the floor.

"ouch"I mumbled groaning.

"i'm so sorry miss i didn't notice you i was on my phone"the male anonymous who bumped into us apologized,i couldn't see his face because i was looking down and my hair covered my face because of the impact,it's not full of force though,and his voice is somehow so familiar with me,Heeseung.

"Dada!"I heard Kei exclaimed as she went out of my arms and run towards the anonymous with that i look up and saw a face that i've been longing to see.

"He-Heeseung?"i stuttered as my eyes watered,i knew the voice is his.

"Gene?"He mumbled as his eyes widen.

"Gene!"He exclaimed and helped me stand up still carrying Kei,i guess she gesture him to pick her up.

"Heeseung-ah"I said letting my tears fall down,i went to him and hugged him longingly,he hugged me back with Kei between us then i felt him kiss my forehead.

"Gene i missed you so much"He said pulling away from me and caressed my cheeks staring at watery my eyes.

"i missed you too"i told him closing my eyes,feeling his touch,then after a second he pulled his hands away and look at the baby girl in his arms who's smiling at him.

"Kei baby you're a big girl now"He exclaimed kissing her forehead.

"dada hellwo"she greeted,her eyes twinkling.

"hi you're 2 years old now right?"he says Kei nodded in response.

"aww i wish i'm with you guys at your birthday"He said sadly.

"it's ok dada,mama said thwat you're buswy that's why you can not cwome"Kei stated,Heeseung glanced at me then Kei.

"I'm not busy now so we'll celebrate your birthday"He said.

"but my birthday was yesterday"Kei frowned.

"yes i know but we'll celebrate as a belated happy birthday to you"He said kissing her cheeks.

"yey but first let's eat Kei is hwungry"She said making both of us chuckled,i can't believe we're making a scene right now but whatever.

"ok we will go to your mama's favorite restaurant and we'll eat there"He said handing Kei to me as he grab our luggage,Kei bounced lightly at my arms in excitement.

We head outside and take a cab,Kei sat at her fathers lap,nose pressed on the window as she gazed the new surroundings.

"YAM let's talk later ok?"Heeseung said looking over me,all i did was nodded,he smiled in return.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now