Chapter 6

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Yesterday Gene confessed that she is pregnant,my whole world stopped,my mind is still processing what she said.

"She's pregnant,Gene is pregnant,there's a baby in her tummy,we're having a baby,i'm going to be a dad"i mumbled,i'm honestly excited about it though,but i'm worried about our parents.

Yesterday i didn't say anything and made an excuse to get away from Gene,i regret it she might have thought that i don't want them,i feel bad for leaving her yesterday.

"Hey son"my mom greeted,appearing  out of nowhere,this made me comeback to my sense.

"Yes mom what is it?"I asked.

"Later at 8 pm we are going to Gene's"My mom informed and i nodded,might as well apologize to her.

I lay down on my bed facing the ceiling.

"what would i do now,i don't have a job yet i can't afford the hospital bills if the labor day came heck i can't even afford check ups"i thought sighing.

"wait i have money that i earned"i murmured standing up and getting my card that Dad gave me,my earns are in there too,i open my cabinet and get the box where i used to hide my money.I calculate them all.

"this isn't enough"i said in frustration but then my cellphone rang,it was Gene...i quickly answered it.

"Hey Genennie how are you?"I greeted and asked.

"i'm not fine knowing that the father of my baby can't accept us"She said,i frown when i heard a small sob.

"Gene let me explain ok..."she stay quite letting me talk.

"i didn't mean to leave you i was just shocked,so shocked that i can't manage to sleep"i blur out.

"i didn't say that i won't accept you both,did i?"I asked.

"no"i can clearly imagine her shaking her head while pouting.

"see i didn't tell you that i won't accept you and the baby...Gene i love you so much to leave you..."i said softly,she sigh making me smile because i know that she relaxed a bit.

"ok then lets continue this talk later when you guys get here"She said bidding her goodbye.

"ok bye"i said my goodbye then hangup then i lay down back to my bed,falling in a deep slumber.


"Heeseung honey wake up"I groaned as i heard my mom trying to wake me up.

"come on get up now we're already late"I heard my mom say in an annoyed tone.I finally woke up completely and walked to the bathroom,i took a short shower and change my self into a White Hoddie and a ripped jeans,the hoddie is Gene's favorite hoddie of mine.

"i'm done mom"I said walking on the stairs to get down.

"ok then lets get going"We walked out of the house and drove to the Bae's House.

After 30 minutes of driving we finally arrived,Mrs.Bae hugged my mom and pat my dad's shoulder as a sign of greetings and my parents did the same,we went inside and headed to the dining,delicious foods are served there,it made my stomach growl, thankfully it isn't loud.

"Aunty Bae where's Gene?"I asked confused on why Gene is not here yet.

"She said she don't want to get down, i don't know whats wrong with that sweetheart of mine,she has been avoiding us,she's not eating a lot too this days,it made us worried already"Mrs.Bae said worry is painted on her Face.

"I'll go get her"I said walking upstairs and headed to Gene's room,it's not my first time here so i know where is hers.

"Gene"I called out as i knock on the door.

"Heeseung is that you?"She asked,i can hear her foot steps making her way to the door opening it.

"Gene can i come in?"no matter how many times i went here, i would never forget to ask if i can come in,she doesn't like it when people enter her room without permission.

"yeah sure"She replied shortly,we walked to her bed and took a seat.

"why don't you want to go down and join us"I said softly playing with her hair.

"I don't have appetite"She dryly said.

"Gene you have to eat for the baby"i said.

"i said i don't wanna eat"She said a little bit higher.

"Gene if you don't eat our baby will get hungry and she/he will die"i shortly explained to her,she then look at me terrified.

"die?"she whispered.

"yes die"i whispered back to her.

"i don't want our baby to die"She said tearing up a little.

"shhhh you should eat so both you and our baby will be healthy"i said gently brushing my tumb to her cheeks whipping the tears.

"ok i'll eat alot"She whispered as she leaned into my chest,i stroked her hair with my fingers then kissed her forehead.

"everything will be fine,we'll figure this out"I said.



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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