Chapter 37

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It's been 5 months since we went here in US,life has been good for me and my daughter,next month i'm going to school to finish my studies,mom will be the one who'll take care of my little Kei when i'm gone and dad,well i already forgive him but he's always busy so we didn't have time to bond.

I meet new friends too,their names are Viean,Vernon and Joshua,they're so nice,they did not judge me when i told them i have a child,they thought baby Kei is cute and she's indeed cute though and they're slightly older than me it's nice because they're mature enough to understand my situation,i told them about Heeseung too and even though they don't really know him they think that he wouldn't just leave us.

Anyway,it's just me and my daughter who's in the house right now since mom went to her friends to go to the spa and my dad have meetings.Kei has been mumbling words like she want to speak and she's been trying to stand up too and whenever she falls down she'll laugh which is cute,i'm glad i filmed it all.

"so baby do you want some banana's?"I said in a baby voice looking over at my baby who's in my arms.

"na na~~~"she replied pointing at the banana,i can't even understand what she said though but her pointing into the banana explained that she want some.

"ok here you go"I said in the same baby voice while I peel some banana and feed it to her.

"aww you like that a lot baby?"I asked even though i know she won't answer me,she's just smiling brightly.

Minutes later she finished the whole banana,gosh i'm shocked because usually babies can not finish fruits but my baby just did and i'm proud of her.

"we go eat some more healthy foods love"I mumbled softly as i bounce her up slightly making her laugh,oh my that was so cute.

"mmmma"She tried,I stopped bouncing her and took a seat on the chair near the counter since i've been standing.

"say it baby you can do it come on"i said encouraging her.

""She tried again.

"come on baby say it"

"mmMa"She murmured more louder.

"Mama say it come on"i said before placing her on the counter,my arms are around her for her safety.

""She exclaimed excitedly and all I can do is smile widely.

"mama"She repeated looking up to me showing her toothless smile.

"oh my gosh this is amazing my baby just said her first word"I exclaimed as tears fall down to my cheeks because of happiness,i got my phone and start to record her.

"Say it again love"I ordered softly as tears continue to tickle to my cheeks but then she frowned and put her small hands on my cheeks.

"mama"she said sounding sad.

"i'm not sad baby,mama is just happy really happy"I said softly but my voice cracked,then I finally cry and Kei start to cry too.I stopped recording.

"he was supposed to be here witnessing this"I said thinking about Heeseung.

"he was supposed to play with you  love"I added still crying so was Kei.

""she said as tears falling down from her soft cheeks,she was tapping my cheeks wanting me to stop crying.

"ok i'll stop"I said chuckling wiping my tears off using my hands and she seems satisfied by this because she stopped crying too and copy what i did making me laugh and she laughed too.

"Your dada will be happy to hear you say your first word baby"i said smiling sadly.

"dada"She exclaimed loudly and i look at her,surprised.

"one more time love"i said opening my phone and start recording.

"dada"she exclaimed smiling bright clapping her tiny hands.

"awww"that's all i can say because of her being adorable.

"mama...dada"she repeated giggling still clapping her hands.

"great job baby"i complimented her stroking her soft hair.

"mama up"she said throwing her hands up gesturing me to pick her up,I got shocked when she said another word.

"You said up oh my"I said dramatically wiping my nonexistent tears and turn off my phone as i was done recording.

I pick her up and we went to her play pin and she began to play,crawling and trying to stand up,she's also repeating the word mama and dada,I'm telling Rean about this.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now