Chapter 1

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"ok class that's all for today's lesson be sure to do your assignments"Our teacher Mrs.Ahn remind us as she pick up her things then walk out of the classroom.

Students pick up their things as well and began to walk out of the room with their friends,probably going to hang out before they go home but i couldn't careless about them.

"Oi Gene your prince charming is here "My bestfriend Rean teased causing me to sigh.

"so what if he's here?"I said picking up my bag as if it's not a big deal and walk out of the room with Rean.

"I mean every girl in this world want their boyfriend to pick them up isn't it sweet?"she stated dreamingly.

"whatever Rean bye see you tomorrow"I rolled my eyes as i bid my good bye.

"goodbye to you too Gene and goodbye to you Mr.Prince charming  and don't forget about the party tonight at 8"she said as she began to walk away chuckling.

"what did she do this time?"Heeseung asked.

"well she keep saying that every girl in this world want their boyfriend to pick them up at school and she decided to tease me about it"I mimic her while I roll my eyes as I recall my her wonderful statement.

"she'll always be a teaser"Heeseung said picking up my bag.

"yes that's right but i don't want her to stop being a teaser though that's her nature"

Rean is always a teaser that's what i love about her,I may act annoyed by her teasing but I acctually love it when she does that because that's her nature as i said earlier.We have been bestfriend since we're both 14 i meet her on one of my cousin's birthday party,she's kinda loud and a bright person which make me love her more.She's also supportive and ready to throw punch if someone hurts me,i just love her really.

"so would you like to buy something to eat?....we could always take out from JINNIES CAFE"Heeseung suggested as we began to walk out of the school.

"no i'm fine but thanks"I decline the offer.

"how about we go to the park and eat ice cream there?"He suggested again.

"Ice cream!"I beamed,I love ice cream though Chocolate is my favorite flavor.

"lets go then"

Heeseung grab my bag and we headed to the park.

As soon as we arrived at the park we immediately brought ice cream and took a sit on a bench.

"so how was school?"I asked Heeseung while licking my ice cream.

"it's stressing we have a huge project that we have to pass next month"Heeseung answerd looking  exhuasted about it.

"i'm sure you can pass it right don't have to stress your self over it"I urge holding his shoulder and give it a light squish.

"it's just th-"i cutted him off.

"shh don't talk just finish your ice cream so we could go home"I shushed him and continue to finish my ice cream before it melts.Then silence visited us but he decided to break it...

"I heard Rean mentioned about a party at 8...what is it about?"Heeseung curiosly asked.

"oh Hanbin is throwing a party to welcome his cousins we are all invited"I answered shrugging.

"is alcohol present?"Heeseung asked i'm sure he wouldn't allow me to go if there will be a alcohol.

"I don't really know but if incase there is alcohol i promise i won't drink"I promised hopefully.

"I know you won't drink but knowing the people who'll attend the party,I'm sure they will not let you get out  without drinking"Heeseung said,he actually sound like my father right now but i know he's just worried about me.

"what if you come with me?"i suggested smiling at him.

"you know i don't like parties"Heeseung retorted frowning.It's true he doesn't like parties because it's so noisy and sweat will be all over you.

"come on Heeseung just this once"i begged looking at him with big eyes,I know it's disgusting but he somehow find this hard to resist.

he then look at me and sigh clearly defeated.

"fine"he said which make me hug him tight.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now