Chapter 42

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As i arrived at the room,i grab my luggage near the closet and grab mine and Kei's clothes.

"Sweety"I stopped packing our clothes when i heard my mom talk.

"are you planning to go back?"She asked while sobbing.

"hmmm i'll book a flight to Korea and i'll make sure we'll leave later"I said with my voice cracking.

"i'm so sorry"She apologized but i frown,i turn around to look at her.

"Why are you sorry mom?"I asked heading to her and place my hands on her shoulders.

"because your father did that"She said.

"Mom you shouldn't apologize for something you didn't do"i said sobbing harder.

"i understand him sweety,he want the best for you that he didn't even know that he's  hurting you...i'm so sorry for that"She told me then wipe her tears off then went to the closet to put it on the luggage.

"Go and book a flight already sweety"She said smiling sadly,i only nodded and start to book a flight.

After a while i already book a flight and we're leaving at 5 p.m,I pick up Kei at Lili's house and told her we're leaving as mom continue to pack out things,i saw dad standing at the living room,when i entered the house i can feel his eyes on me,it's sad but he didn't say anything.

"I'm done packing sweety"Mom told me and i thanked her.

"mama are we gwoing to leave?"Kei asked in curiosity.

"Yes love we're leaving to go to Korea"i said.

"Is gwandpa and gwandma coming?"She asked,i sigh and took a sit beside her.

"no sweety something happened so we have to leave"I told her softly,she nodded in response and didn't ask more questions.


I'm going back to korea today,i already finish my studies so i have to go back,i'm happy about it because i'm hoping to see Gene and Kei,i'll find
them,dad said that i'll take over the company in 4 months and i'm satisfied with it.

My things are already packed i'm leaving later,Sean is staying here because he'll be going to school to finish his master,it's quite impressive though.

"I'm gonna miss you bro"He said dramatically.

"yeah yeah i'm gonna miss you too"I replied but cringe,he hugged me tight and later on i can feel something wet,he's crying.

"Sean why are you crying?"I asked panicking.

"because i'm hoping you find your wife and daughter,i hate seeing you sad bro,i hate hearing you cry it's making you look gay"He stated but then i chuckled at his last word.

"She's not my wife she's my girlfriend but soon i'm gonna marry her"I said smiling when he sniffed.

"promise me you'll invite me to your wedding"He said and i laugh.

"of course you're my best friend"I say.

"good because i'll smack your head if you don't"He said playfully and wipe his tears.

"stop crying will you,you act like a girl"i teased.

"hey i'm not...i even have girlfriend"He said pouting,i swear this dude is being cute right now,i'm not blind if you know what i mean.

"stop imagining things Sean"I said shaking my head.

"ok i don't have a girlfriend so what...who needs girlfriend anyway"He said rolling his eyes but then he became serious.

"you'll find them Seung"He said.

"i'll do anything to find them even after what happened,even if she broke up with me,i don't care,i do not consider that a break up since it came from a letter not her mouth"I said feeling determined.

"that's right keep positive,you'll be able to find them and you guys will talk about the whole drama you told me,then both of you will apologize, then you'll ask her to marry you,then you'll make baby again!"He exclaimed excitedly but i smack the back of his head slightly when he said the last sentence

"What?~"He said playfully glaring at me while rubbing the back of his head.

"Shut it...that wouldn't happened"I spat but this dude is such a tease.

"ohhh that will happen not now but in the future"He said wiggling his eyebrows,i chuckled and shake my head once again.

"Shut up Sean...i'll just wait tell it's time for me to go so that i can leave you"I said but the last words are playfully.

"it's fine atlest you have the chance to see your wife and daughter"He said shrugging.

"i love this dude"

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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