Chapter 26

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They're in the back of Xylene's house since the pool is located there.Sunghoon,Jungwon,
Soobin are playing tag in the water while Dafi,Xylene and Gene are doing the foods,Heeseung,K and Hanbin are in charge to do the barbecue and Jimin is babysitting Baby Kei,Jimin's feet is on the water while he carry Kei in his strong arms.They all have a smile painted on their faces.

"Gene is the food ready?"Beomgyu whined.

"just a few minutes and it'll be ready"Gene answered as Dafi placed the plates,spoon and fork on the table.

"but i'm hungry"Beomgyu whined more.

"seriously beomgyu how can you be so childish"Dafi said rolling her eyes making Beomgyu scoffed.

"it's cute though"Xylene commented busy arranging the foods.

"Xylene's on my side Yey"Beomgyu cheered making all of them chuckled.

"tag your it"Seon said poking Beomgyu's shoulder.

"what but i was talking to them"Beomgyu whined pouting.

"food is ready guys"Gene announced.
the one's who's in the water cheered as they came out of the pool and dry themselves before sitting on their chair.

"barbecue is ready too"Heeseung said while Hanbin and K place the barbecue on the table.

"hey what about baby Kei who'll hold her i wanna eat"Jimin said pouting.

"i'll hold her"Heeseung said getting Baby Kei out of Jimin's arms.

"but aren't you going to eat?"Gene asked.

"i'll eat later when your done,i'm so going to play with this little princess right now"Heeseung said and Gene nodded.

After all of them ate they decided to play hide and seek but Xylene didn't join,she wanted to look after Baby Kei,Gene and Heeseung told her that they will take care of Kei while they play but Xylene insisted so they agreed.

"ok on the count of 20 i want all of you to hide"Taehyung said then covered his eyes as the players find places where they can hide.

K hide somewhere in the backyard same goes to Rean,Jimin,Jungwon and Dafi,Beomgyu and Soobin hide somewhere upstairs,Heeseung and Gene hide in the downstairs bathroom near the Kitchen,Sunghoon,Habin,Trish and
Seon hide somewhere downstairs.

"18,19...and 20"Taehyung finished counting as he start to roaming around.

after about 30 minutes Taehyung found all of them except for Gene and Heeseung.

"wait where is Gene and Heeseung?"K asked.

Meanwhile at the bathroom where Gene and Heeseung hide.

"do you think he found them all?"Gene asked.

"i don't think so"Heeseung answered.
Gene nodded as they continue to hide.It was silent,they didn't talk but it wasn't a awkward silence it was comportable silence until Heeseung break it.

"Gene"He called,Gene hummed in response.

"what if i ask you to marry me in the future...would you say yes?"Heeseung asked,this made Gene startled.

"marry you?"She asked confirming if she heard it right.

"hmm would you say yes?"Heeseung repeated.

"of course i'll say yes"She said.Her response made Heeseung eyes shine because of happiness,he's smiling brightly feeling overwhelmed by Gene's response.

"i love you Heeseung,you're the wall that i lean on whenever i have problems,you're taking care of me and Kei,you're working hard for us,you even drop out"She said chuckling.

"i trust you with all my heart,i love you with all my heart so there's no reason on why wouldn't i say yes"Gene added with a smile on her face.

"i love you too you know that?...there's nothing i can't do for you and Kei and i'm glad that you'll say yes,i will be the happiest boy or man whatever....alive"Heeseung stated,he went to Gene and put his pointer finger on her chin to make her look up to him.

He lean in leave a small kiss on her lips,it was passionate even though it's just a small kiss,they can feel their love for each other.

"Let's go back to the pool"Heeseung said grabbing her hand then walk out of the bathroom.

"have you seen them yet?"Xylene asked as K and Rean arrived after a minute of trying to find the Teen couple.

"no we didn't see them"Rean responded sitting on the ground.

"oh you're all here"a voice said,they turn their attention to the voice and it belongs to Heeseung.

"yah! where did you two go? you know that you made us worried"Jimin scolded.

"well we hide inside the bathrom"Gene said looking down feeling bad for making them worry.

"bathroom you said...did you guys do something?"Rean said smirking.

"What!? no we didn't do anything"Heeseung exclaimed.

"aww your mom and dad did something nasty"Xylene said kissing Baby Kei's cheeks.

"we didn't!!"The couple exclaimed blushing madly.

"aww they're blushing"Taehyung teased.

"whatever...we didn't do anything"Gene said rolling her eyes but still blushing.

"yeah yeah whatever you say"Jimin shrugged.

"but we still believe you guys did something fishy there"K said and the others agreed.

"we didn't"the couple said in unison and began chasing the teasers but they just laugh


sorry for  any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now