Chapter 28

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i call Rean to come with me to the Convenience store to buy some foods and she gladly agree.

We're currently here inside the store right in the Meat section.

"should i buy pork?"I asked Rean who's carrying my baby.

"i guess so...i mean it would be good to cook them for Heeseung...he likes pork"Rean said shrugging.

"geez you're a great help"I said rolling my eyes and grab some pork.

"what about beef?"I said asking her again.

"besh it's you guys who'll it 'em not me"She said clearly annoyed by me.I chuckled and nod grabbing a beef and putting it in the basket.

"let's go buy some powdered milk for my cute lil baby"i said while pinching her pinkish cheeks before we head to the milk section.

After grabbing some powdered milk we went to the vege section and grab some vegetables,we grab some sweets too,after that we went to the cashier to pay.

After we pay we decided to go to a cafe near the Convenience store.

We enter the Cafe and my my it smell so delicious,the aroma of coffee is all over the cafe,i mean it's a cafe so yeah.

We took a seat on the table near the window and place our things and the foods we brought.A waiter then came up to us.

"what would you like to order ladies?"The male waiter asked smiling widely at us.

"ladies"Rean exclaimed giggling.I giggled too,he just call us ladies it's so good for our ears oh my.

"i'll have Waffles and Iced coffee"I said playing with Baby Kei who is in my arms.

"i-i'll have umm uhh You"Rean said stuttering making me look to her with wide eyes.did she just flirt with this young man infront of me and my baby yoc.i thought still looking at her wide eyed.

"me?"The young man said chuckled,his cheeks are blushing,aww they're cute.

"as much as i love to see you guys flirt in front of me...i'm hungry so i need my food"i said looking  at Rean smirking.

"sorry uhh can i take your order?"The boy asked.

"i'll have strawberry shortcake and a iced Americano"Rean said blushing and the boy nodded and excuse himself to get our order.

"so you like him?"I asked teasingly.

"what?! no way"she denied but i know that she like him.

"yeah sure"i said in sarcastic way.

"just shut it...can i hold Baby Kei now?"She said.

"awww but i just carry her"i whined while i pouted.

"come on let me hold her"she said looking at me with big eyes while pouting.

"tsk fine"i said handing her my baby then she cheered lightly.

"Baby Kei you love it when you're in my arms right?"she said talking to Kei in her disgusting baby voice.

"can you n-"i was cut off by a sharp shout coming from the exit of the cafe.

"where's the owner of this cafe?!"A man with wearing a all black outfit asked shouting he have a gun and it was pointed at the lady.

"s-sir ple-ease put your gun down"the man i'm guessing the husband of the lady begged but the man ignored him.

"i need the owner of this cafe!"The man shouted while he walk around grabbing food from the costumers table,this man is so rude.

"that b*tch have a dept from me and she hasn't pay it yet"He spat loudly as he continue walking around until he reach our table,we're really scared right now as in scared super scared.I can see from the corner of my eyes that the manager is calling someone,i guess it's the owner.

"what do we have here?"He said grabbing Rean by her hair.

"argh"she whimpered in pain.

"do not touch her!"the boy from earlier shouted about to come to us but another man got him.

"acting like a knight i see...oh hi there"he exclaimed chuckling evily as he noticed me.

"if it isn't Mr.Bae's daughter"I look at him shocked,how the h*ll did he knew my father.

"your father is my dearest enemy"he said as if he read my mind,he then grab me by my arm as he heard the bell rang letting us know that someone entered,he pointed his gun on my head making me shiver from fear.

"Deo let her go"A female voice demanded.

"ow Ms.Han fancy to see you here, now where's the money?"The man said looking at Ms.Han with sharp eyes.

"you know i could give it to you privately you didn't have to make a scene here at my cafe"the woman said.

"so what if i make a scene...why?... did you call the poli-"he didn't finish his sentence when a another man shouted.

"put your guns down now!"it was the police.As he turn his attention to the police i sneek out of his arms and went to Rean and Baby Kei who is crying but before i could go any further i felt a sharp pain in my back.

"GENE!!!"Rean's shouting,my baby's crying,the costumers cry and gunshots is all i heard before everything turns black.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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